Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday - 2/18

23F - Warming up! BUT Cellar is "slippery" moist from snow.
Sore all over this morning.

Trap Bar deadlifts - 5x20

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Overhand Grip - 90+% day - 213x10, 283x3, 353x2, 403 - 7 sets of 2. 2 set volume bump over 1/28/2007. Used the new York Plates. I could have sworn I saw the ghost of Bob Hoffman standing along side my furnace beckoning me to "high pull heaven".

Grip Training

Blob50 - fucked around. It felt "cold" today. Wire brushed the chalk off.
Time better spent with Jack's Blue Heat.