530AM. Started with lower back ab rotation then shoulder re-hab. I worked in some upright rows with the Apollons Axle for sets of 20, plate circles and some stuff with the Jumpstretch bands. Moderate resistance a lot of reps.
Then Grip:
Trainer 2x20
Homemade Formulator extensions - 5 sets, 20 reps down to 10. Weights from 5lbs to 11.25. The weight is far from my wrist so any increase is magnified greatly.
Towel Rollups - 4 bouts. Dexterity greatly improved from Sunday. Whole hand gets pumped.
Twist Yo' Wrist - 3 laps
EZ Curl Wrist Curl - 67x100
Totally hosed.
Behemoth - Thelema.6
Brutal Blackened Death Metal from Poland