Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tuesday - 2/3


Sore from weekend.

New Model Rolling Thunder - 2x10

Right - Plate Pinching
Left - Blob50 Pinching
Dumbbell Wrist Curls
Titan's Telegraph

What is with all the whining about the Grip Nationals? All of a sudden it's too far? Out of the way? Towanda, PA is fine. The fucking Little League World series is held down the road every year, in the shithole that is Williamsport. ;) I have yet to hear the Koreans complain about going to Williamsport.

As for the time is was held at the "Former Legend's" facility, that appeared to us as more of a tribute to the former legend than a National Championship.

Fuck the hand size debate also.

Also if you want to be recognized, compete through the recognized grip contests, and avoid self righteous rants.

Should strength challenges, like the Grip Gauntlet, be qualifiers for the Nationals? NO. Of course anyone who accomplishes it, is STRONG but there is NO formalization with the present setup.
What is the time limit between attempts? How many attempts are allowed?

Ahh fuckit. ;)