Thursday, November 30, 2006

To Happier Times

More of this great stuff HERE.

Thursday - Post Mortem

Lower arms feel pretty good. A bit sore from elbows to hands.

Busy at work though. Did not stay hydrated enough.

I just picked up a shrug bar. The fucking thing is heavy. I'm going to start working in some movements in between grip stuff in the cellar. I'm going to grab the Kelso Shrug book later and get some ideas.

But first I'm firing up a cigar and taking the dog out for a spin.

Thursday - 11/30

Lower Back Ab warm up. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch Bands.

Shrugs w/ Apollons Axle - OVERHAND GRIP - 193x12, 243x12, 343x12, 313x12, 273x12 This is fuking murder on the hands. I am going to re-wave the weights starting on Sunday.

Grip Training - Hands stayed fatigued, from the axle, though rest of workout.

Left - Blob50
+5/8lbs Platemate - 10 sets, 2 attempts per set. First 8 sets were some pops and skids. Last 2 sets finally got an inch or so of air. It is at the point now where it takes so much energy to get it off the floor, there is nothing left to continue the movement. If you are asking why don't I just take the Platemate off, it is because I'm stubborn.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47.5lbs Base weight - 10 fast full deadlift singles. Concentrate on form, and "breakaway" speed.

Did a bunch of levering with the ratchet in between sets. Nothing heavy. More for a therapeutic effect.

If you are wondering why I do not just use the Blob50 for both hands, it is because the Blobette is a bit wider, and more ornery.

Time to fry the Omega-3 eggs.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The King?

I just got the latest e-mail ad-volley from Grip-Guru-Land. We must now refer to their "leader" as the "King". For once I am speechless. The depths of self-loathing that some will descend to knows no limits.

Grip Fraud's

Get on over to GripperHell , and read the grip fraud thread. I look forward to seeing how this plays out.

If you have an above room temperature IQ, you can pretty much figure out my thoughts on all the guano being spewed out there from the douche-nozzle phonies.

I do have a soft spot for the "legend keepers" and the self-important. I long for the day to be declared a cheat feater, by one of the "old time strongman" acolytes. I will then know I am a threat and have arrived. ;)

Wed - 11/29

Chins - parallel grip x50
Circuit - Rope Pulls, Hammer Lat Pull, Hammer Low row - 4 laps. Fast pace.
Circuit - Smith Press, Hammer Press, Hammer Lateral - 2 laps. Fast pace.
Light Arms etc.

Still a bit beat up from Saturday.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thick Climbing Rope - $2.75 per foot

Get your 4,000 pound test rope at . Enter 3825T39 in the search box for the 2 inch variety. It is Fed. Spec. TR 605B quality, so don't fall for any mumbo-jumbo obscure rope terms when evaluating your selections. They have plenty of hardware to rig up a short rope pulling station, or just throw a length of it over a beam in your cellar and start chinning. And they will cut to any length!

'Tis No sense in paying crazy prices for a commodity item. ;)

Tuesday - 11/28

Lower Bck/Ab Warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch bands.

Sore going into this one.

Shrugs w/ Apollons Axle - 193-5x10, rests were getting a swig of coffee. This helped push some of the soreness out. No momentum, double overhand, shrug to ears.

Grip Training

Left Hand Blob50 - 10 single deadlift attempts with +5/8lbs Platemate. Managed slight slivers of air with each attempt. Then last 2 singles get airborne. Managed to pick it up about 2inches, and move it laterally from my right big toe, to my left big toe. Feet were about shoulder width. Woohoo! Still need to get a "groove" burned in.

Right Hand - PDA Blobette - 47.5lbs base weight. 10 deadlift singles - 3 with no platemates, 3 with +1.25lbs, 2 with +2.5lbs, 2 with +3.75lbs (these last 2 got away 2/3s of the way up. Oh well.)

Brookfield stick levering, ratchet levering, rear levering, all directions. Did not count.

Since we are getting new visitors each day, a PDA Blobette deadlift at 46-47lbs is equivalent to a Blob50 deadlift. Your mileage may vary of course.

If you are just starting thick bar work, begin slow and easy.

Just got word my GRIPBOARD T-SHIRT just shipped. :)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Assorted Crap

Don't worry, I will be tidying up tomorrow. ;)
That is a second Apollon's Axle. I am too lazy to move one around. Note the highly effective forearm device to the bottom right.

Go Really Grip Machine

In the background is the type of hard drive foam I was using for de-loading the Blob50 with my left hand. I just got that batch at work.

Why is it

when a certain someone from "down under", has trouble closing a gripper it is because the spring "binds up" before the close. Just hose clamp the spring, and get to work with a pair of size 12 Bruno Magli's.

Surely someone who closes a #3 for reps with 2 fingers should be destroying any and all grippers? ;)

Apollon's Axle

Apollon's Axle on spotter stands. The Olympic Bar on the right, in the corner, is a York I picked up in the early '80's. The sleeves are not rusty, it just took on a brownish patina. It is a great bar.
Click the photo for more detail.

Blob Photos

Here are some of my collection of block weights,PlateMates, the Blob50 and the PDA Blobette. Notice the areas where the stall mat shows some wear. ;) Click photo for a BIG image.

Learning To Close Grippers

I just got the latest pile of nonsense from 'tis Functional Gripland. According to the folk there, no one knows better on how to close grippers than their guru? What the fuck? I wonder how many e-mails I will be subjected to, reminding me of how many slots are left for the clandestine telephone gab session.

If you want to learn how a CERTIFIED #4 CLOSER works out and read great acerbic commentary. ;) Get on over to GripperHell.

And of course spend some time being quiet and reading the GB. Nearly every certified #3 and #4 closer is a member there, and there is NO charge to ask a question.

Repeat after me: There are no secrets.

Three Year Anniversary on the Gripboard

I just noticed, today marks my 3 year anniversary on the GripBoard! Now would be a great time to help the GripBoard out by getting yourself a T-SHIRT for Christmas. I just did.

The mods break their balls over there keeping things in order and bandwidth is not fucking free.

Monday - 11/27

Close Grip Bench - Index on Smooth - 135x40, 225x20, 295-3x20
Hammer Flat, Incline, Decline - 2 circuits. No rest
Rope Pullovers

Fast pace. Someone forgot to put the fucking heat on, in the weight room.

Just got the latest email ad from the "Old Time Strongman" group (Just a fancy synonym for Inner-Circle). Evidently it is for a DVD that features bare chested Middle Eastern men doing silly stuff with bowling pins. What do you think Mrs Radd would say if I popped this gem into the DVD Player? ;)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My 3/4" Levering Ratchet

It is an ancient ProTo, probably 30 years old. Weighs a bit over 6 pounds. Handle end is 1.125inches diameter. Just add Platemates and you have a great levering tool. Click image for larger photo.

My Brookfield Stick

It is a 4 foot x 1.25" dowel from Home Depot. It was about 4 bucks. I have added 2"OD PVC to the handle end and wrapped it up with duct tape and athletic tape. It is about 2.25" OD now. If you click on the photo, you will get a larger size. You can see that I marked off 5inch increments. I hold the stick out in front of me with my arm at my side. Slip an Olympic plate over the other end, then fight for dear life to hold the stick up. When you get tired, simply slide the plate closer to your hand, then begin the fight again. Use the markings to gauge your progress. The thick handle adds a nice twist. This is covered on the excellent John Brookfield DVD. I highly recommend it.

Great Bending Thread at GripperHell

It is amazing how things heat up when the "legends" are surpassed. I see a cut rate sale on some "insane, mind blowing" DVD's, come next year when someone gets their camo'ed butt kicked off of the throne. ;)

Sticking your hand in a fox trap does not a great bender make.

As stated before, we are pulling for you Gazza! Train smart.

Read GripperHell NOW!


Sunday - 11/26

Lower Back ab warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch bands.

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Double Overhand Grip - 193x20, 243x15, 338x12, 313x12, 263x12 Quick pace. I have the bar on spotter's stands, it requires about 6 inches of movement to pick it up. I'm too lazy to adjust. "Shrug to ears". No momentum. If you are going to do this, or any other thick bar stuff, start light at the beginning. This puts tremendous stress around the insertions at the elbow. Steady progress. Unfortunately hands are hosed at the end of this.

Grip Training

Pinch work was not in me today. Left hand felt a bit overworked. Launched into a pile of leverage stuff with the big ratchet and Platemates. All directions. In between sets managed to get a couple inches of air right handed with the PDA Blobette (47.5lbs base weight)+6.25lbs of Platemates. Left Handed, I threw on a 5/8lbs Platemate on the Blob50 and got SOLID daylight under it for a couple of pulls. I quit while I was ahead.

If your are a newcomer here, the PDA Blobette is a fucking unrelenting bastard to pick up. You will scrape for every ounce. A 46-47lbs deadlift on the Blobette should get you a Blob50 deadlift. Don't get me wrong the Blob50 is not easy.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Don Rickles

Classic Stuff. With all the nonsense being spouted about the hack, Michael "Kramer" Richards, it seems appropriate to show a clip by the master. Insulting comedy, elevated to a high art.

More Links

Be sure to check the perma-links on the side. We have been busy adding links to some fine blogs etc.

Unfortunately none of the links will help you in turning your shoulders into fists. ;)

But the grip people we do link to, know what the frig they are doing, and you can learn from them.

There are NO SECRETS people.

Saturday - Part 2


Hammer Lat Pulls - Started with 2 pair of 45's. Added a Pair each set. Sets of 15. Topped off at 5 pair of 45's and a pair of 25's. Quick pace.

Hammer Row - There was already an assortment of plates on it. Did 4 sets, adding weight each set. Sets of 15. Finished fairly heavy.

Smith Press, Hammer Laterals, Hammer Press - 3 laps. Worked up heavy on the Hammer Press.

Light arms.

I just got an e-mail solicitation, from what is supposed to be a grip equipment company, it contained a link to some prosperity course. What the fuck. It seems the ones that are prosperous are the ones that are selling this crap. ;)

Still awaiting the "King of All Bastards" video.

Saturday - 11/25


Lower Back Ab Warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch bands

Grip Training

Left - Blob50 - 8 Deadlift attempts. Half of them got a touch of air. No spark today. Finished each attempt with a long hold. Tuesday was the best day this week. It seemed this || close to going the full ride. Oh well.

Right - PDA Blobette - added more lead - 47.5lbs base weight - 11 full deadlift singles. First Single with no additional Platemates, next 9 with +5/8lbs, last 2 with +1.25lbs. Concentrated on form and speed. A word on adding weight, adding the lead to the inside of the device, makes it feel slightly different than attaching magnets. Not necessarily harder, but "different".

Levering. The past couple of weeks I have re-introduced the "Brookfield Stick". If you have the DVD, you know what I mean. I took a 48"x1.25" wood dowel, added PVC to the end to give it a 2+" handle. Front lever it, hold it in position, then add a 5lb plate to the mix. Slide it toward your arm when you get tired, then slide it back out. This will smoke the wrists.

Time for a coffee.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Out of The Woods

It was a close one. I want to humbly thank all for their support. Your PM's and e-mails will forever remain in my dreams. The dark times are behind us. Order has been restored. Tug#2 has been relieved of her vigil. She was getting a bit sick from the "Janitor In the Drum" odors anyway.

I have retrieved my 1980's vintage York 45's from the dust bin. Training can now resume.

A Day of Infamy

I entered Chalet Radd, to find Norrin, lying silent on the floor, covered with what used to be a kitchen table. His dog, who we affectionately call Tug#2, was licking the remnants of egg yolk and bile from Norrin's beard. Norrin feebly pointed to a video looping on his computer display. Upon closer inspection, the video appeared to be some mentally unstable individual, plate pinching 2 rubber coated 20kg plates! What manner of deception is this? It was now all too clear what had caused Norrin's fainting spell.

Mrs. Radd has since drawn a hot bath, consisting of scalding filtered water, Epsom Salts and "Janitor in the Drum". Norrin is in the ivory tub soaking, but still unresponsive. Every so often he bellows loudly for Hemlock, then returns to a catatonic state. We are going to begin chanting loudly from the works of Steve Justa, while rapidly closing squeaky grippers. Hopefully the powerful written word of Mr. Justa, will snap him out of it.

Why have the ancient ones forsaken such a brave man?
Why is an undeserving name on the 2x45 plate pinch list?

A Black Day For Plate Pinching

Rubber coated plates with a lip. Where will the travesty's end?

Friday - 11/24

Got into work at 4AM to get some jobs rolling. Hit the gym at 530.

Close Grip Bench - index on smooth - 135x40, 225x20, 295x24
DB Bench - 3 sets, lotta reps.
Hammer Flat, Decline, Incline - 3 laps, no rest.
Dumbbell Pullovers 3x15
Rope Pullovers - 3x30
Rope Face Pulls - 4x20

Quick pace overall. Joints were creaky with all the cold, damp weather lately.

My head is still pounding over the "Rubber Coated Plate Pinching Controversy" going on at the GB. This clown has wasted more keystrokes rationalizing about the benefits of using rubber plates, than Michael "Kramer" Richards' PR Spin team did on the silly outrage over his tongue slip. I need a bit to calm down. My left arm is starting to go numb. ;)

UPDATE - I just saw his name included on the 2x45 list. Please tell me this is a misunderstanding. :O

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Some Thoughts on Blob Lifting

Being in the "not quite 7.5inch hand group", my experiences may help others in the same situation.

1. Hand placement is crucial. Position your hand with every rep. This will not only ensure a better lift, but burn the movement into your brain.
2. If you use chalk, it will build up and get slippery if the weather turns damp. Clean the crud off. Don't be stubborn. I wash my hands off with dish soap before beginning my workout. It helps get the oils off the hand.
3. You need strong wrists. As the implement is ascending, it will try to fight away from you. The wrist will help guide it.
4. Micro loading with magnets will aid your progress. You will be able to fine tune your maxes. They will also give you tiny steps of progression.
5. Don't forget to work your whole body. If you have a bad lower back, just be careful and work what you can.
6. Again, keep a detailed log.
7. There will be days when NOTHING will come off the floor. Accept it and move on.
8. Blocks will make your whole hand stronger. When the time comes to specialize on something, you will have reserves of strength to draw from and refine.

Enough of that, it's past 12PM, time to pour a whiskey.

Thurs - 11/23

Has been raining since early last night. All implements had the "moist" slippery feeling.

Lower Back/Ab warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch bands.

Shrugs w/ Apollons Axle - Double Overhand. Set down on rack for each rep. No momentum. 193x20, 243x20, 328x10, 258x20. Lower arms smoking after this.

Grip Training

Left - Blob50 - 12 single deadlift attempts. Finished each attempt with a hold. 8 of them got solid inches of air. The remainder just "popped". Frig. All in all steady progress though.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs base weight. - 8 full deadlift singles. Most with +2.5lbs in Platemates. Then 6 singles with +5lbs in Platemates, I just concentrated on getting a few inches of air. Good volume. Baseline strength inching up. If you own a PDA Blobette, you know what kind of weight this is. ;)

Did some levering to cool down. Hands never quite bounced back after the thick bar stuff. Damp weather required me to concentrate fully on hand placement.

In between belching and feeding later on, spend some time perusing the YORK HAND BALANCING COURSE. The FREE public domain is a great place. ;)

Time to fry Omega-3 eggs.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ironmind Catalog

The mail goy just dropped the catalog off. I'm going to pour an "Old Grand Dad" and kick it back. ;)

UPDATE: Am I blind, or is the dinosaur book missing? Hmmmm.

Steel Bending

It is good to see the steel bending monster, Gazza, lift his short retirement. Someone needs to ascend and lay claim to the top perch in steel bending. We predict it will happen and soon. We at the ol' grip clubhouse, extend our support.


Still awaiting the "King of All Bastards" video.

Wed - 11/22

Stuck around the Fitness Center before hitting weight room.
Cybex Lat Pull - 2x20+ - For me these have a better strength curve then the Hammer Machine. But stack only goes to a bit over 300lbs.
Cybex Row - 2x20 - Same thoughts as above.
Hammer Lat Pull - 3x20+ - Did not pay attention to weight. There was a group of 45's and assorted crap already on it.
Rope Pulls - 3x20
Smith Press, Hammer Lateral, Hammer Press - 3 laps - no rest
light arms

Lower arms had some soreness. Thumbpads included.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wade Gillingham DVD

I just gave the DVD a quick run through. It clocks in at 38 minutes. Wade does a fine job with presentation. It is good, solid info on all the major grip movement types. The exercises are clearly demonstrated and explained. He also covers surface preparation, both hand and implement.

He picks up the Inch Dumbbell like it is a Kleenex.

I think beginners or advanced people will get something out of it. I find it is especially helpful to view how others perform a lift while explaining it. You may catch the one thing that leads to your success.

Christmas is coming, splurge on this and the Brookfield DVD. :)

I'm going to pop the Brookfield in now.

Package From Ironmind!

The UPS guy just dropped off my Ironmind 3.5 Captains of Crush gripper (it will be awhile before I open that), a t-shirt and the Wade Gillingham DVD (Grip Strength for Enhanced Sports Performance).

I'm going to take the dog out for a couple of miles then pop the DVD in. If you are a GripBoard member, you will know that Wade is one of THE strongest grip guys on the planet.

More thoughts later.

Tuesday - 11/21

Lower Back ab warmup. Jumpstretch bands elbow traction.

Grip Training

Warmed up by moving 1/2 York 80 around mat. Difficult to wake hands up today.

Left - Blob50 - Deadlift attempts - 9 singles - most of them just managed to pop. Finished each attempt with a hold. Then, out of nowhere, last 2 singles, fly off the floor a few inches. :O Could not quite transition to full deadlift. Another fucking milestone.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs base weight - 10 deadlift singles - incrementally added Platemates each set. Last 3 singles (full deadlifts) with +3.125lbs. All were fairly quick pulls. This Blobette is the most evil pinch implement I have.

Finished with front and back levering, and twist levering.

If you are new here, hands do not quite make it to 7.5". Depending on the tape measure. ;)

If you are wondering if grip is harder early in the morning - It fucking is. ;)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Dwight's Speech From The Office

This should win a perpetual Emmy.


Page View Alert

We just got the latest "alert" from grip guru land. Informing us of a "million page views" in nearly 2 years. Congratulations. We waxed a bit sentimental when we hit that 3 months ago. Google is our friend. ;)

We like to think we get a good volume of traffic here because - there is some good grip training info, we are sarcastic pricks and it gets funny at times.

But, we have no patience for the half-baked shit that some spew out there, or the sanctimonious defense of said subjects.

Judging by the email we get, many share the same opinion. Especially when it comes to aggressively marketed, over-hyped grip trinkets and public domain materials.

AND remember there ARE NO secrets.

If you want to purchase grip items, ALWAYS visit the SPONSORS of the board FIRST. They are the reason you have a place to congregate. If you desire a gripper training program, you need to look no further than The KTA Program.

We are the Ying to the Yang.

Monday - 11/20

Close Grip Bench - Index on smooth - 135x40, 225x20, 295-3x20
Hammer Decline, Incline, Flat - 2 laps, no rest.
Cable Pullovers - 4x20
Face Pulls - 4x20

Quick pace.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Post-Mortem

Weather turned cold fast. Lower back feels like I just spent re-entry on the space shuttle. Used Jumpstretch bands to traction lower back out, added some reverse hypers and stretching throughout the day. Louie Simmons should be canonized for bringing the Reverse Hyper Extension to the masses. ;)

Lower arms sore, in a positive way.

We are still getting a pile of Google directed hits per day for the YORK HAND BALANCING Course. Amazing! Be sure to check the rest of the OLD TIME STRONGMAN LIBRARY out at Sandowplus.

Why fatten someone else's wallet, read the timeless public domain stuff for free and fatten your brain. ;)

Sunday - 11/19

Stiff back. Needed extra time with Jumpstretch bands etc.

SHRUGS are done DOUBLE Overhand. NOT Mixed Grip.

Shrugs - w/ Apollons Axle - 193x15, 243x15, 318x10, 248x20. I set the bar down on each rep. Pick it up (about 6 inches off spotter stands), shrug, put it down. No momentum is used. I also need to baby my back.

The shrugs leave lower arms toasted.

Grip Training

Left Hand - Blob50 - 8 deadlift attempts - All got some air, and managed to move the implement laterally more than its width. Just need a smidgen more of strength. Big improvement over past 4 weeks.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs Base weight - Full Deadlifts - 12 singles with base weight, last 3 singles with +5/8lbs. Fast Pulls, short rests. Concentrated on form. If you are new here, 46lbs on the PDA Blobette should get you a Blob50 deadlift. Give or take.

Lever twists with big ratchet and Platemates.

Metal Picks For the Week

For your Thanksgiving enjoyment:

Stinking Up the Night - Death Breath

Subliminal Genocide - Xasthur

A Modern Classic:

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday - 11/18

Had to make a quick stop at work at 430AM

Lower arms sore. The thick shrugs are the cause for some of this.
Lower back ab warmup. Jumpstretch band elbow traction.

Grip Training

Warmed up the 1/2 York 80 (42lbs). Just a few sets of picking it up and moving it around the mat.

Left - Blob50 - Single attempts - 5 singles. Single #3 got it off the ground and moved it laterally about 8 inches. Rest of singles got some air. Also a hold on each set. I was ready to throw this fucking thing out the window. Still hit or miss, need to get consistent.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs base weight. Had to scrub chalk off with wire brush. The damp weather this week just made it greasy. Did 5 fast singles with 47lbs base weight. Did not feel recovered, no sense in being stupid.

Levering with Fat Handled Brookfield stick and side levering with bigass ratchet and Platemates.

Jack's Blue Heat time.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A Delusional #4 Attempt

I just watched some clown's video on Youtube, attempting a Number 4 Captains of Crush gripper. Previously this person has stated on the forums that the gripper had changed spreads after repeated bouts of foot stomping and heavy hose clamp abuse.

But to defend himself, he stated that the spring "creaked" during his attempt. BIG FUCKING DEAL, it creaked because the spring has been damaged by stepping on it.

We will not be posting a link to the disgraceful video here. If you are on the forums you will know where to look.

This and other examples, like refusing to post videos, implying you are closing monster grippers, defending aggressive seasoning and guerrilla merchandising do not do our sport any good.

My advice is to work hard and ignore the pinheads.

Gripper Calibration

The redneck genius's over at the GripperHell Blog have come up with an ingenious hand gripper calibration device. Check it out HERE.

Thinking Out Loud

Why would an exclusive teleseminar be needed to learn about gripper closing, when nearly every Captain of Crush is a member of the Gripboard, and makes their advice freely available?

Wouldn't learning from a certified #4 closer be more compelling?

Friday - 11/17

Still damp, flash flooding last night. Stiff all over.
Close Grip Bench - Index on smooth - 135x40,225x20,295x24
DB Bench - 3 sets, a bunch of reps
Hammer Flat,Decline,Incline - 2 laps - no rest
Rope Pullovers - 3x12

SITE UPDATE: Check the links on the side. We have perma-linked the excellent grip blog from Finland.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I have found the following helpful for grip training:

1. Work the whole lower arm. If you are addicted to grippers do not forget extensor work, the thumb and for god's sakes work your forearms. The balance will pay off.
2. KEEP a log. If you do not know where you came from, you will not know where you are going. Mark down more than weights and reps. Note the climate, sleep etc. Dampness will affect pinch dramatically.
3. Pinch will be SLOW progress once you get to a certain level. Invest in a PDA Blobette and Platemates. Learn to microload. The Platemates will also help with plate pinching.
4. Keep a bottle of New-Skin handy. Nothing is worse than callouses splitting.
5. Get some sort of thick bar and dumbbells (SMOOTH finish). Use the thick bars for your regular weight work also.
6. There are no secrets. Eat right, take your vitamins, fish oil is a must and sleep. We all have our ups and downs. Don't worry about it. As long as you are breathing and walking you are winning the game of life.
7. If you are a gripper nut, get KTA. But for Christ's sake read it multiple times before starting.
8. Do Not Fall for guerrilla "inner-circle" marketing. If someone needs to send you four e-mail solicitations a day, listen to the alarm bells in your head.
9. Pay attention to those who have proven themselves in competition.
10. Be fucking humble.
12. It is impossible to get the springs in the 11 and 12 position on the Ivanko Super Gripper. Stop wasting your time. ;)
13. Do not waste forum bandwidth asking if chalk is cheating, it is not. Do not ask where to buy chalk. If you cannot figure that out. Forget grip, you have other issues.
14. Goofy $200.00 forearm devices are NOT needed.

I'm tired.

Thursday - 11/16

Getting ready to rain again. Woke up "tight".
Lower Back Ab Warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch bands.

Shrug - w/ Apollons Axle - 193x12, 243x12, 313x10, 243x12
Lower arms were shot after this. If you are new here, the Apollons Axle is a SMOOTH, non-revolving Olympic sized barbell. If you want to torture your grip, smooth and non-revolving is the way to go.

Grip Training

Left - Blob50 - 5 deadlift attempts. 1 of which got air born and managed to move it laterally more than the width of the implement. Each attempt finished with a hold.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47.0lbs base weight - 5 full deadlifts with +1.875Platemates. Quick pulls. But with all this damp weather this fucking thing shows no mercy. When Satan takes a dump, it comes out shaped like a PDA Blobette. ;)

Hands/forearms got pumped during shrugs and would not recover. Time to get the Jack's Blue Heat and concentrate on rest.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ironmind 1/2 Increment Grippers!

Ironmind is updating their site. There is mention in each of the gripper descriptions of 1.5,2.5 and 3.5 grippers!. Active thread on the Gripboard now. No mention of a Skull decal option though. ;)

As much as I will try to resist, I'm sure they will be on the way to Norrin Manor as soon as they are available.

UPDATE: I ordered the 3.5 gripper, the Wade Gillingham DVD and a T-Shirt. Hey-Now! I'm a fucking grip zombie!

Thickbars / Fat Bars

I just saw an interesting marketing e-mail for outrageously expensive, knurled, freely revolving thick barbells.

My thoughts; while watching a strongman contest, when the axle clean and press is announced, we pretty much know it is a SMOOTH, NONE REVOLVING implement. It is this way to keep the "spirit" of the old time strongman shit alive (Apollon etc), and to make it a CHALLENGE.

If you are trying to improve your grip, one would hope you would shun the knurling. This is on par with pounding your blobs with a ball peen hammer to make them easier to grab.

Grip people using knurled, revolving barbells or dumbbells is like a man squatting to pee. ;)

Something to think about before your wallet disintegrates to the lure of guerrilla marking.

Wed - 11/15

Still friggin rainy,cold and damp.
Hammer Lat Pulls - 4x15 - added weight each set. There was already a hodge-podge of plates on the machine. Too early to add them up. Fairly heavy though. Fast pace.
Hammer Row - 4x15 - same as above.
Rope Pulls - 3x20
Smith Press, Hammer Press, Hammer laterals - 2 laps - no rest
Light arms

Traps were a bit sore.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Out of Control SPAM's

Rant on:

Really, isn't 8 emails in 2 days excessive for e-mail marketing? Two of them to tell us that their email system is borked? We FUCKING know!

Almost as silly as attackers hitting themselves with their own fists. ;) As tempting as knocking out Mike Tyson is. :)

It is like watching a train wreck, we can't bring ourselves to hit the unsubscribe link.

Rant off

Don't be confused, if you can't make heads or tails out of this rant. If you are a fan of "Inner-Circle" marketing lunacy, you will get it. ;)

Tuesday - 11/14

Still cold and raining. Joints and lower back cramped. It reminds me of Arnold Ziffel predicting the weather on Green Acres.

Lower Back and ab warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch band.

Shrugs w/ Apollons Axle - 193x10, 243x10, 283x10, 303x10 - Bar wants to unwind as it is brushing thighs. Elbows, especially left feeling pretty good. Will keep slow pace.
Hands TIRED after this.

Grip Training

Left Hand - Blob50 - 6 doubles - 3 of the sets got a tad of air on each rep and moved the implement it's width across the floor. Finished each double attempt with a long hold. Progress is slow, but there. Part of it now is mental.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47.0 lbs base weight. 8 singles with +1.25lbs of Platemates. Concentrate on form. Quick pulls. Dampness makes this thing all the more difficult to pick up. No sense in pushing hard. Far above Blob50 range now.

Did some levering etc to cool down.

Threatened to "waterboard" my number 4 grippers. They shrunk back in terror. They should be closeable soon. ;)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday - 11/13

It has been cold and rainy since yesterday morning. Joints do not want to operate. ;)
Close Grip Bench - Index on smooth - 135x30 225x20 295x22,x20,x20
Hammer Flat,Incline,Decline - 2 laps, no rest.
Dumbbell Pullovers - 2x12
Rope Pullovers - 3x12

Quick pace overall, but never quite felt warmed up.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


We have Perma-Linked the GripFAQ Web Site to the right. EXCELLENT grip info. He covers all the bases of developing a well rounded foundation.

U.S. Navy SEAL Workout

Just caught this from the latest DieselCrew Newsletter. I highly recommend that you sign up, check the links on the right. It is always full of great info.

The Seals are the MOST Fearsome military force on the planet. I sleep better knowing they are out there snooping and pooping.

Brzenk vs. Samuelson Arm Wrestling

How much longer must we endure this fucking debate? Seven Pages and 135 GBoard replies of this imaginary never going to happen match up.

I just read someone describing Magnus' having wrists of steel and a cast iron grip. For the love of Christ, step away from the keyboard, take a breath, an re-root yourself in reality. DC Comics has enough imaginary super-heroes.

Brzenk is Brzenk.

Sunday 11/12

Lower Back/Ab Warmup. I'm digging the Jumpstretch band good mornings.

Shrugs w/Apollons Axle - 123x20,193x10,243x10,263x10,283x10,243-4x10. Strict reps. Double Overhand grip. The bar drags on the thighs and wants to unwind. Quick pace. Hands, especially thumbpad got pumped.

Grip Training - Thumbs remained pumped for rest of workout. Everything was tough.

Left - BLOB50 - 7 doubles - deadlift attempts. Got a tad of daylight each rep. Damn. Finished each set with a hold.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs base - 10 singles - worked up to +3.75lbs of Platemates. Most singles 3"-6" then they just popped out. Hands just too fatigued. Apollons work dug into pinch.

Twist levering with big 20"x3/4" Proto Ratchet and Platemates.

I'm going to keep shrugs in. Have to be mindful of elbows though. Will take them slow. Upright rows were getting a bit stale.

In looking at the past 4 weeks, base strength has steadily improved.

I may order a World Class gripper so I too, can announce that I am doing 2 hand, thigh assisted negatives. Seems to be an exclusive group. ;)

New Release Tuesday

Abbath, of Immortal, side project.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Grip Blogosphere

continues to grow:

It is in Finnish, but the language of grip is universal. He is a MashMonster. Be careful. you may learn something. ;)

Saturday - Part 2

Hammer Low Row - (The One with the weights close to the floor) and Hammer Lat Pulls.
Worked back and forth, 12 to 15 reps each. Worked up to 4 pair of 45's and what ever change was on there to start. Fast pace.

Rope Face pulls - 4x20
Smith Press, Hammer Laterals, Hammer Press - 3 laps. No rest
Light arms

Saturday - 11/11

Got up at 4AM to take care of some crap at work.
Lower back/ab warmup

Grip Training

Warmed up with 1/2 York 80 (42lbs)

Left Hand - Blob50 - 8 triples. No foam deload today. Got slivers of air here and there. It is threatening to go. :(

Right Hand - PDA Blobette - added some lead - 47.0lbs base weight. Did 10 deadlift singles. No additional weight. De-Load day. Concentrated on form. Short rests, all left the ground quickly. Weighed it with a 1.25lbs Platemate - 48.5lbs. The PDA Blobette at this weight is getting beyond the Blob50. If yours is like mine, it should also have you getting a York50 pretty well up also.

If you do not have a PDA Blobette, I suggest you support the Gripboard and get one. You will enjoy many hours of frustration with it. ;)

Did some levering. Front/Back with sledghammers and twists with ratchet.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Brad Johnson Grip Training Article

I may have posted this a while back. But there is some great stuff here. Amazing things you can do for grip with bodyweight and a couple pieces of wood.

Get a Grip When You Hit the Road

Site Updates

We perma-linked the GripperHell Blog to the right. Be sure to check it out. It's run by two extremely strong guys who you can learn from.

Get Yourself an Ironmind #3 Gripper For Christmas

New Engraving. Sorry, no skull decal. ;)

Free Hand Balancing Course

Just got the new Google analytics. The York Hand Balancing Course brings a pile of people here. Remember, it is "Perma-Linked" to the right.

Also, to make it easy, here is a fresh link YORK HAND BALANCING COURSE.

Print them out on nice paper and give 'em out as Christmas Gifts!

Be sure to thank the Good People out at the Sandow Old Time Strongman Library for making this stuff FREELY available.

Friday - 11/10

Fukin Cable modem is on the fritz. Late entry.
Close grip bench - Index On Smooth - 135x30 225x20 295x23
DB Bench - 3 sets - many reps
Hammer Flat,Decline, Incline - 2 laps - no rest.
Rope Pullovers - 4x15

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Interesting Testimonial

What is it with these "Inner-Circle" SPAMs that feature testimonials from other "Inner-Circle" Advisory Team members? (Hint, highlight the featured names and post them into The Google) ;)

Notice the top of the search:



Classic Cartesian Logic Marketing. ;)

Surreal Gripper Close

This cat has some humerous, out there, surprisingly eloquent stuff on Youtube. I saw this link posted on the GB the other day. Not a bad wide set #2 close. Check the rest of his videos out, he is surely on a frayed tether. I'm thinking American Psycho.

BUT he is incredibly funnier than spam emails from gurus that contain worn out blonde jokes. ;)

Thursday - 11/09

Lower back ab warmup. Elbow traction with purple Jumpstretch band
Upright Rows w/ Apollons Axle - 123lbs-10x10 A few breaths and a gulp of coffee between each set.

Grip Training
Both hands felt a bit tired going in. Decided to cut it short.

Left Hand - Blob50 - foam deload - 5sets 3 reps, get some air on each rep. Foam is worthless now. It is permanently dented. Then 2 sets 2 reps, on floor, no foam. Managed to get a tad of air each rep. I need a fresh day.

Right Hand - PDA Blobette 46.5lbs base weight - 6 singles. Just concentrated on breaking a few inches from floor. Worked up to +7.5lbs in Platemates. Yowzaa! For me anyway, getting it off the floor is the hardest part. Once it is moving, the rest sort of falls into place. If you are just joining in, hands are not quite 7.5".

Side to side lever twists with big ratchet handle and some Platemates.

Fairly good improvement in base strength over the past 4 weeks. Left hand is slowly improving. I just need to get it dialed in.

Time to take the garbage out.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jumpstretch Band Ideas

I have recently broken out my Jumpstretch bands to do some elbow and wrist traction. Getting old is no fun.

EliteFTS has a great section on training ideas with them HERE.

I have been hitting Good Mornings also with great results. My back is a mess. I vary foot stance each set.

Anyhoo, there are enough movements there to keep anyone busy all winter.

Great for traveling. Just toss a few in the suitcase and you are good to go.

Another Grip Blog

The grip blogosphere is growing! Keep your eyes on this ONE. Greg and Dave do top shelf stuff. Read and learn. Many valuable tidbits. Great humor. ;)

Wed - 11/08

Chins - 50
Rope Pulls - 4x20
Hammer Lat pulls - 4x20
Hammer laterals, Smith press, hammer press - 3 laps, no rest
Light Arms

Quick pace. No soreness. But decided to back off and save energy for weekend.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another Google Number 1

Let's keep the momentum going people!


Tuesday - 11/7

Lower Back ab warmup
Traction elbows with purple Jumpstretch band and ceiling hook. Left elbow is feeling MUCH better.

Grip Training

Left Hand - Blob50 - 4 foam deload. 10 sets of 3. concentrating on getting air. Nearly all reps had some air time. Foam has become "dented". Deload has been lessened. I just need a good day now. NO BOUNCING. Bit of fatigue though. Pushed left fairly hard on Sunday.

Right Hand - PDA Blobette - 46.5lbs base weight - 9 single full deadlifts. Last 6 singles were with +3.75lbs in Platemates. Last single took a few steps with it and set it down.

Cooled down with light levering (front, to rear and twists).

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mon - 11/06

Close Grip Bench - Index on smooth - 135x30 225x20 295-3x20
Hammer Flat,Decline,Incline - 2 passes - no rest
Rope Pullovers - 4 x 15
Dumbbell Pullovers - 3x20

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Some Thoughts

1. If you get an e-mail where the sender addresses himself as a "Master", move it to the trash can.
2. Foot stomping destroys not seasons grippers.
3. Overpriced forearm devices will not make you strong. You make yourself strong.
4. Closing a #4 gripper is a BIG deal. Scrutinize everything you read. If some will not provide a photo or video or have a history of advocating FOOT STOMPING, set their name up in your "Ignore Users" control.
5. Rope is Rope.
6. 300 pound men bench pressing their bodyweight for a couple of reps is NOT a big deal.
7. If someone uses the negative term "popping" when referring to a monster phone book tear, that means the tear is a BIG deal, and it threatens their Guru's reputation.

Bending Video by One of the Greats

Don Larkin

Sunday - 11/5

Lower Back ab warmup.
Sore from yesterday's lat workout.

Upright Rows w/ Apollons Axle - 123lbs 10sets of 10. Fast pace. Rests were a gulp of coffee.

This also left hands "pumped".

Grip Training

Left Hand - Blob50 - 4 foam deload. 10 sets of 3. concentrating on getting air. Worked up to +2.5lbs of Platemates. Could not quite clear foam with the 2.5lbs.
Left hand has improved considerably since last month. Wrist is starting to feel pretty solid. NO BOUNCING. The foams are fairly smooshy, so there would not be much of a bounce anyway.

Right Hand - PDA Blobette - 46.5lbs base weight. 10 full deadlift singles. Last 7 were with +2.5lbs of Platemates. On top of that last 3 singles were full deadlift and farmer walks across the stall mat, then setting it down.

Wrist leverage twists with big 3/4" ratchet and some Platemates. All reps slow and controlled.

Also worked in some elbow traction using a ceiling hook and a purple Jumpstretch band. I remembered a Westside DVD where Dick Hartzell demonstrated this among other valuable stuff. Anyway, left elbow feels MUCH better. I'm going to work this in throughout the day.

Andy Bolton Deadlifts 1003!

Andy Bolton 1003 deadlift video HERE.

History has been made.

Another angle now on Youtube:

Saturday, November 04, 2006

New Releases for Tuesday

The Sopranos - Season 6, Part 1

Tremendous Melodic Death Metal:
United in Regret - Arsis

Sarah Jezebel Deva Solo:
God Has a Plan for Us All - Angtoria

Saturday - Part 2

Hammer Lat Pull - sets of 12+. Started with 1 pair of 45's, added a pair per set. Worked up to 5 pair plus some change. Rests consisted of the time it took to get the plates. Then took off a pair per set, down to 2 pair. No rest.

Hammer Row - 4x15, worked up to 8 pair and change. Short rests, like above.

Smith Press, Hammer Laterals, Hammer press - 3 circuits - no rest.

Light arms

Saturday - 11/4

Was at work early 5AMish.
Warmed up with Jumpstretch band good mornings and abs.

Grip Training

Left - BLOB50 - using 4 foam de-load. 8 sets of 3. Concentrated on getting air time on each rep. Worked up to +1.25lbs in Platemates. Last 2 sets took off Platemates and did a few full deadlifts. Solid improvement. Wrist almost at 100%. Remember, the foam is merely a de-load device (not much, it's pretty flimsy). NOT a ballistic movement. The key is control.

Right - PDA Blobette 46.5lbs base weight - Deadlifts - 8 singles - worked up to +5lbs in Platemates. +5lbs set slipped out before full rep. Oh well. If you are a noob to the blog, in my case the PDA Blobette is MUCH harder then a BLOB50, and a tad harder than an old York. 46lbs on Blobette should net you a Blob50 replica lift, and some air under an old York. Don't get me wrong, the BLOB50 is tuff. The Blobette is just a bit bigger and wider than the York and Blob50, and its surface is less forgiving. You may have a different story.

Fooled with sledge levering and side to side wrist twists with ratchet to finish up.

More on Log Bars

If the TOP quality stainless steel bar offered by PDA, that we discussed earlier, is out of your budgetary reach, the bar at the top of the picture on THIS PAGE from New York Barbells may fit the bill. They call it a "triceps bar". But it's plain to see what it can be used for. We like the two different grip options. At 86 inches it's a monster, not an overpriced, short toy. At $149.95, it should fit almost any budget. And really, what adult wants to demean himself by cutting lawns or shoveling other's snow to buy barbells? ;)

Time to stretch.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday - 11/3

Cold morning. All joints ache.
Close Grip Bench - Index on smooth - 135x20 225x20 295x22
DB Bench press - 3 HIIgh rep sets
Hammer Incline,Decline,Flat Becnhes- 2 passes - no rest
Rope Pullovers - 4x12

Tough to get moving today.

Excellent Nutrition Article at EliteFTS

Read it HERE. Interesting cholesterol, insulin  and blood pressure primer. Elite puts out some valuable material. Check the rest of the articles out when there.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thurs - 11/2

Got up shagged out. Decided to skip upright rows. Skipped Reverse-Hyper
Warmed up with a pile of Jumpstretch good mornings and ab work.

Grip Training

Left Hand - BLOB50 - 8x3reps - alternating between 2 and 4 hard drive foams. Slowly coming back. Sets concentrated on getting some air between implement and foam, then set down for another rep. NO ballistic motion. Trying to burn the "break from floor groove."

Right Hand - PDA Blobette - 46.5lbs base weight. - 15 full/quick deadlifts. Deload day.

Lever twists with 20"long 3/4" heavy steel ratchet and Platemates. 3 sets, slow controlled reps.

If anyone is wondering, one side of my BLOB50 has a pretty good texture. The other side is extremely smooth.

Yes, I do use fucking chalk. It is not fucking cheating. ;) I will add that depending on how damp the air is, the accumulated chalk can get greasy. Have a wire brush handy. The clean hand/clean implement method has also worked for me BUT it is a pain in the ass to maintain. So I use the fucking chalk.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


We see a huge amount of Google directs in here for this outstanding Phonebook tearing video by Clay.

Here it is again to save time.

Watch and learn.

Wed - 11/01

Chins -fast set of 50
Hammer Lat Pull - 4setx20 increase weight each set.
Hammer Row - 4x20 (Rotated with above, kept weight static)
Rope Pulls -4x20 (part of above rotation)
Smith Press, Hammer Laterals, Hammer Press - 3laps
Light Arms

Not bad overall. Fast pace. Lower arms and lats a bit sore going in. Soreness cleared up when done.

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