Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday - 3/11

Fuck Daylight Savings Time.


Trap Bar Deadlifts -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's -> Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle Overhand Grip (213lbs). All movements 20 reps, no rest between movements. 3 laps. Short rests between laps.

Grip Training

2 Hand Pinch - 2x45York 45's + Weight - 5 sets of 2, 1 set of 3. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. Left thumb still taped. A tad more healing to go. Big improvement over 2 weeks ago.

Right Hand - 2x45 Pinch - Index finger tap from left hand - 3 singles with 1.25 lbs attached, 1 single with 1.875lbs attached (Platemates). Set down with control.
The index finger tap: As I start to pull with the right hand, I tap the plate (thumb side) with my left index finger. The plates sort of "float" off the ground. This is a good technique, BUT too heavy is too heavy. The word is control.

Left - Dynamic thumb with Ironmind Tug #5.

2 Hand Pinch 2x45Yorks OVERCRUSH - 2 singles. 8 to 10 seconds. Tried my hardest to dent the plates. Great stuff.

Have a "tweak" in left forearm extensor. So:
Reverse wrist curls and towel rollups. A lotta reps. More later.

It is becoming apparent, that form and hand placement are critical, along with strength, for the 45 pinch. Thumbs have gotten "tougher" over the past 2 weeks.