Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday - 3/20


Combine - Trap Bar Deadlifts -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's -> Overhand Grip Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (213lbs) - 2 passes - 20 reps per

Grip Training

2 Hand 2x45York Pinch + weight - warmup, then 5 sets of 2, 1 set of 4
Left thumb still taped, callous is filling up. Left forearm extensor is improving.
Improvement over last week.

Right - 2x45York Pinch + Index finger tap - 2 singles with +5lbs, one with +7.5lbs
Left - Dynamic Thumb w/ #5 Ironmind Tug

2 Hand Pinch Overcrush + weight - 1 single. Squeeze until tremors start.

Cool down with reverse wrist curls.