Bit shagged today. Difficult to concentrate.
Combine - Trap Bar DL -> Trap Bar Romanian -> Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's Axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. No rest between movements. 2 passes.
Grip Training
2 Hand Pinch - 2x45Yorks - 6x2 + weight.
Right - Deadlifts with Left Index Finger Tap - singles - +2.5lbs, +3.75lbs, +5lbs
Left - Dynamic Thumb w/ #5 Tug
2 Hand Pinch Overcrush 2x45+weight - Squeeze until tremors, then a bit more.
Cooled down with light levering, reverse wrist curls.
45's seemed "light" when moving them around.