Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday Workout 4/16

Lower Back Ab Circuit
Upright Rows w/ Apollon's Axle - 8 sets of 6 - fast pace medium heavy.
Inverted Rows w/ Apollon's Axle - feet elevated - 55lbs on chest - 3 sets - 5-10 second rest between sets. High reps.
Hands toasted.
1/2 York 80 - 3 sets 5 deadlifts
Left Blob50 - 3 sets of 2 reps +5/8lbs platemates. Ended each set with a hold.
Right - Blobette +1.25lbs - 3 sets 2 reps. Plus ended each set with a hold.
Got some air all sets, but difficult today.
12lb Sledge rear lever - 4 sets
Fat Brookfield Stick
front Levering with ax

Tuesday may just be a light feeder day. Lower arms hosed most of day.