Friday, June 02, 2006


The Gripboard is abuzz. Someone claimed to to see their witness for certing, but their #3 cert and Red Nail cert was denied by Ironmind because the witness did not use the IM provided Red nails, nor did he have a NEW gripper for the testee. This seems more like the fault of the witness.

The new gripper thing has been going on for a while. You crush your own gripper, then the witness tears a new one out of the package, you need to close that one or get pretty close. No big deal. I remember a time when some were passing an "easy" #3 around. Check the Ironmind Cert list. You will be able to figure out the time period. Ironmind is doing nothing more than ENSURING the integrity of the process.

I predict the whining on the GB will continue strongly for the weekend.