Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday - 3/31 - Part 2


Circuit trained - Hammar machines, cables etc. Quick pace. Focus is starting to come back.

Saturday - 3/31

Shot down to work at 5AM to test something.


Combine - Trap Bar DL's -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's - > Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 passes.

Grip Training

2 Hand - 2x45York Plate Pinch + weight - 6 sets of 2 - Things are starting to gel. ;)

Right - 2x45York Plate Pinch - Left index finger tap assist + Hold at top - 3 singles w/ 2.5lbs Platemates. Nice hang time.

Left - Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind Tug #5

Cooldown - Ironmind Twist Yo' Wrist.

Skipped overcrush today, want to keep some in the tank for tomorrow.

When I started this cycle, I had April as the goal to get these fucking things off the ground. The only obstacle is my head in my buttocks.

Time to go to the Y.

Friday, March 30, 2007

I Just Ordered

The Iron Grip DVD. Volume 1 - Pinch Lifting. Without even seeing it, I'm going to fully endorse it. Buy the DVD right now. Learn and support someone who has proven his ability on the platform and who has given advice selflessly.

Of course after I watch it you will be getting some feedback.

Excuse me while I stare at my York 45's.

Bodyweight Training and Taking Advantage of Speed Limit IQ's ;)

It looks like the Fictional Hand Crew has decided to take up full time shilling for the Inner Circle "Zen Master"-bator

Before you piss your hard earned dineros away, get the course that started it all for FREE:


Carry on!

Friday - 3/30


Circuit Trained - Mix of Cybex, Hammer, dumbbells etc.

Forearms a bit sore. Left extensor still a tad raw. Will do some light recovery work later.

Democracy In Action ;) Recall da' bums.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday - 3/29


Combine - Trap Bar DL's -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's - > Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 passes.

Grip Training

2 Hand - 2x45York Plate Pinch + weight - 6 sets of 2 - Concentrate on using ALL fingers, form, and speed. If you are just starting these, do not let
the plates slip as you start to pick them up.

Right - 2x45York Plate Pinch - Left index finger tap assist + Hold at top - 3 singles w/ 5.0lbs Platemates. Set down nicely.

Left - Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind Tug #5

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45 York - Overcrush +weight - 1 single.

Cooldown - Ironmind Twist Yo' Wrist. Use all your fingers if you do these.

I think my hands have gotten "wider" over the past month.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday - 3/38


Circuit Trained etc - Started in the Cybex room, then moved into Hammer/Free Weight area.

Lower arms a bit sore. Will hit some recovery stuff later on.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday - 3/27


Combine - Trap Bar DL's -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's - > Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 passes.

Grip Training

2 Hand - 2x45York Plate Pinch + weight - 6 sets of 2 - Concentrate on using ALL fingers, form, and speed. Again, I noticed something here. ;) Just need to be smart.

Right - 2x45York Plate Pinch - Left index finger tap assist + Hold at top - 3 singles w/ 3.75lbs Platemates. Pronounced/controlled hold. Set down with control. The time is coming.

Left - Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind Tug #5

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45 York - Overcrush +weight - 1 single - Squeeze until Steve Justa would let go.

Cooldown - light high rep levering. Ironmind Twist Yo' Wrist - 3 laps.

All deadlift/reps are done from a dead stop. I let go each rep. I think this is critical not only to practice your groove, but to build that start off the floor.

Big improvement since the start of routine on 2/25/2007.

A word on the Metric System:

2x15 Kilo Plates = 66.139 POUNDS - 3.861 POUNDS Less than 2x35lb plates
2x20 Kilo Plates = 88.185 POUNDS - 1.815 POUNDS Less than 2x45lb plates

In pinch a pound makes a BIG difference.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday - 3/26


YMCA - Circuit trained, hit whole body. Fast pace.

Recovery work with Armory Forearm Blaster.

Should have use a Weber:

Neighbors react to alleged slay-grilling

Chance favors the prepared. ;)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday - 3/25


Combine - Trap Bar DL's -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's - > Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 passes.

Grip Training

2 Hand - 2x45York Plate Pinch + weight - 6 sets of 2 - Concentrate on using ALL fingers, form, and speed.

Right - 2x45York Plate Pinch - Left index finger tap assist + Hold at top - 3 singles w/ 2.5lbs Platemates. Set down with control.

Left - Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind Tug #5

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45 York - Overcrush +weight - 1 single - Squeeze until vision blurs.

Cooled down with light high rep levering. Will work in some Armory Forearm Blaster shit later.

Not bad at all.

Steve Justa Lifting A BIG Fucking Truck

I noticed this link on the Power and Bulk, then the GB. He is flat out fucking strong. Maybe a little screwed in the head, but who isn't ;)
I have his book "Rock Iron Steel", well worth the read.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Art of Salesmanship

Link sent by a fellow grip punk. ;)


Like Two Monkeys Trying To Fuck A Football

Gatelli, Fanucci say they were harassed

The downward spiral of Scranton City Council Continues. ;) Maybe these two can get jobs cleaning the set of "The Office".

Saturday - 3/24

Went into work at 430AM to kickstart some shit.

Combine - Trap Bar DL's -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's - > Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 passes.

Grip Training

No tape on left thumb.

2 Hand 2x45York Plate pinch with weight - 6 sets of 2. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. Remember if your pinkys are touching the plates, they should be squeezing as hard as your forefingers. The plates should not "slip" at the start of the pull.

Right - 2x45 Deadlift +left index finger tap + hold at top (couple of seconds) - singles. +1.25lbs, +2.5lbs, +2.5lbs. Good control. Set down without a big thud.

Left Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind Tug #5 - 3 sets

2 Hand 2x45 Plate Pinch Overcrush + weight - Squeeze until tremors start, then some.

Cooldown with towel rollups, light levering, reverse wrist curls.

I noticed "something" when moving the 2 plates around with both hands. ;) The light maybe punching through the tunnel.

I have been sanding and using medicated hand creme on the thumb callouses. I'm too close to let a rip stall things.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Freedom of Speech Gets a Kick In The Nuts

Council crackdown

All we want is our fucking snow plowed.

Friday - 3/23

530AM - Warm weather finally.

Circuit Trained whole body, with a concentration on torso. Moved quick.

Biceps and pinky pads sore from yesterday.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday Post Mortem

Popped in the 300 DVD, then hit some dynamic thumb with #4 Ironmind tug. I have also been working in separate finger work with the Tug. It is invigorating to have some soreness on the pinky pads.

The Cowards of the Scranton City Council

cancel tonight's meeting, rather than face the honorable one, known as Ray Lyman.

Scranton City Council Meeting Canceled

The goddamn Kennedy's have more honor. ;)

Ray Lyman - The Scranton Crusader

This gentleman needs to go to the US Congress and clean it the fuck up.

The Death Knell For Freedom of Speech In Scranton PA

A feeble attempt to silence Mr Ray Lyman, a true patriot.

Gatelli vowing to restore order

I will be tuning in tonight.

Thursday - 3/22


Bit shagged today. Difficult to concentrate.

Combine - Trap Bar DL -> Trap Bar Romanian -> Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's Axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. No rest between movements. 2 passes.

Grip Training

2 Hand Pinch - 2x45Yorks - 6x2 + weight.

Right - Deadlifts with Left Index Finger Tap - singles - +2.5lbs, +3.75lbs, +5lbs
Left - Dynamic Thumb w/ #5 Tug

2 Hand Pinch Overcrush 2x45+weight - Squeeze until tremors, then a bit more.

Cooled down with light levering, reverse wrist curls.

45's seemed "light" when moving them around.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More From The Hallowed Halls of Scranton Government

Mr. Ray Lyman - Concerned Scranton Resident, keepin' 'em honest.

Wednesday - 3/21


Circuit trained, whole body. Concentrated a bit more on lats. Winter kinks starting to come out.

Filed callouses down on thumb webbing. Will hit some dynamic thumb and Armory Forearm stuff later for recovery.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday - 3/20


Combine - Trap Bar Deadlifts -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's -> Overhand Grip Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (213lbs) - 2 passes - 20 reps per

Grip Training

2 Hand 2x45York Pinch + weight - warmup, then 5 sets of 2, 1 set of 4
Left thumb still taped, callous is filling up. Left forearm extensor is improving.
Improvement over last week.

Right - 2x45York Pinch + Index finger tap - 2 singles with +5lbs, one with +7.5lbs
Left - Dynamic Thumb w/ #5 Ironmind Tug

2 Hand Pinch Overcrush + weight - 1 single. Squeeze until tremors start.

Cool down with reverse wrist curls.

Monday, March 19, 2007

More From The Solemn Chambers of Scranton City Council

Yes. This is my local community. ;)

Monday - 3/19

Hit quick circuit - upper body, bit of legs, abs and lower back. Barbells, Hammer Machines and Cybex.

Armory Forearm Blaster for forearm extensors.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday - 3/18

Left Forearm Extensor is sore. Have been hitting lots of reverse wrist curls, Armory Forearm and aspirin.

Combine - Trapbar Deadlifts, Trap Bar Romanians, Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (Overhand Grip 213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 laps.

Grip Training

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45Yorks + weight - 5 sets of 2, 1 set of 4. Left thumb taped. These irritate the top of the left forearm.

Right - 2x45Pinch + Left index finger tap assist - 1 single w/ +5-5/8lbs, 2 singles w/ +6.25lbs. Good control but fucking heavy. We are getting close. If you are just joining in, As we are starting the one hand deadlift with the plates, you just give the plates a "twap" with the left index finger. Don't turn this into a sloppy negative/2 hand assist movement. The TAP is just to get by inertia. Fuck Issac Newton. ;)

Left - Dynamic thumb w/ Ironmind #5 Tug

2 Hand Plate Pinch - Overcrush - 2x45 + weight - Single.

Cooled down with levering, reverse wrist curls, towel rollups.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday - 3/17

Woke up to 12+ fucking inches of snow. Cleaned it up then went to the YMCA.
Cleaning that crap up knocked my dick off.

Circuit Trained Torso, threw in some lower back and abs. Fast pace.

Grip Training
Hands were murdered from cleaning the snow. Had to concentrate.

Two Hand Plate Pinch w/ 2x45Yorks + weight. - Left thumb taped.
5 sets of 2, then 1 set of 4 - again I'm keeping it in the 80-90% range. Solid reps. Big improvement over the past 3 weeks.

Right - 2x45 Pinch + Left index finger "tap assists" - +5lbs Platemates - 3 singles. Good control, but this was about the limit today.

Left- Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind #5 Tug

Cool down - reverse wrist curls light levering.

I've been using medicated hand cream regularly to keep the thumb webbing "stretchy".

Left wrist is still "tweaky". The 2 hand pinch is sort of awkward.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Lurch over at Fictional Hand Strength? 3 e-Floaters in our mailbox in 5 hours?!?! We smell desperation. ;) We particularly enjoyed the solicitation for STREET MAILING ADDRESSES. Looks like someone is in the mailing list/harvesting/selling business. Sales of the insanely overpriced three foot gripping ropes must be lagging. ;)

Time to shovel some snow. Stay tuned I'll be offering my $1,495 Combat Training Snow Removal Course Soon.

Friday - 3/16


Circuit Trained - Hit Most of upper body. Free weights, Hammer Machines, Cybex, cables and dumbbells.

Lower arms a bit sore.

Will hit some work with the #4 Tug later.

How in the frig did a simple forum question about Joe Kinney's squatting turn into a sausage-fest? ;)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday - 3/15


Combine - Trap Bar Deadlift - Trap Bar Romanian - Overhand Grip Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (213lbs) - 20 reps per movement. 2 laps. Increase weight second time around.

Grip Training

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45Yorks + Weight - Left Thumb taped.
5 sets of 2, 1 set of 4. Steady progress. Sticking in 80% range. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. These are hard on my wrists, but are building excellent base strength.

Right - 2x45Yorks - Left Index Finger Tap attempts - +3.75lbs Platemates - 4 deadlifts. Good control. Setting down with control.

Left - Dynamic Thumb Ironmind Tug #5

2 Hand 2x45York Overcrush

Cooldown - light high rep levering, reverse wrist curls, towel rollups.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday - 3/14


Circuit trained - Lats, Shoulders, Arms, abs & lower back. Used Hammer machines, Cybex, free weights, bodyweight. Quick pace. Need to get the hibernation layer off.

Dynamic Thumb - Ironmind #4 Tug - Through day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday - 3/13


Combine - Trap Bar Deadlifts, Trap Bar Romanian DL's and Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (Overhand grip, 213lbs) - Sets of 20 each movement. 3 laps, Quick pace

Grip Training

This is the start of Week 3 of plate pinch assault. Groove is finally getting established. Must avoid tearing thumbs to shreds, and concentrate on active recovery.
When this over I'm buying a bottle of Jack Daniels, eating an enormous steak, and retiring from grip. ;)

Left thumb is healed but there is a divot where the callous was. So taped it up. No sense in de-gloving and halting progress.

2 Hand Pinch with 2x45Yorks + weight - 5 sets of 2. 1 set of 3. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. Heavy enough to "feed" not balls to the wall. Left forearm "tweak" makes itself known here.

RIGHT - 2x45 Plate pinch deadlifts - Left Index Finger Tap Assist - 3 singles with +2.5lbs Platemates, 1 single with 3-1/8lbs Platemates. Good control.

LEFT - 4 sets of dynamic thumb with #5 Tug

2 Hand 2x45 Plate Pinch Overcrush - 2 singles. Plates refuse to dent.

Wrist curl extensions - lotta reps.

Time to eat.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday - 3/12

Circuit trained - hit chest, lats, shoulders, legs and abs. High reps.

Armory Forearm blaster for extensors - lotta reps.
Dynamic thumb w/ IM Tug #4

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

Dynamic Thumb w/ Ironmind #4 Tug
A pile of reps for forearm extensors with Armory Forearm Blaster.

3 fingers of Jack Daniels, 2 ice cubes.

Sunday - 3/11

Fuck Daylight Savings Time.


Trap Bar Deadlifts -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's -> Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle Overhand Grip (213lbs). All movements 20 reps, no rest between movements. 3 laps. Short rests between laps.

Grip Training

2 Hand Pinch - 2x45York 45's + Weight - 5 sets of 2, 1 set of 3. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. Left thumb still taped. A tad more healing to go. Big improvement over 2 weeks ago.

Right Hand - 2x45 Pinch - Index finger tap from left hand - 3 singles with 1.25 lbs attached, 1 single with 1.875lbs attached (Platemates). Set down with control.
The index finger tap: As I start to pull with the right hand, I tap the plate (thumb side) with my left index finger. The plates sort of "float" off the ground. This is a good technique, BUT too heavy is too heavy. The word is control.

Left - Dynamic thumb with Ironmind Tug #5.

2 Hand Pinch 2x45Yorks OVERCRUSH - 2 singles. 8 to 10 seconds. Tried my hardest to dent the plates. Great stuff.

Have a "tweak" in left forearm extensor. So:
Reverse wrist curls and towel rollups. A lotta reps. More later.

It is becoming apparent, that form and hand placement are critical, along with strength, for the 45 pinch. Thumbs have gotten "tougher" over the past 2 weeks.

John E. Lays Ruin to the Diesel Compound

Like Godzilla Going Through Tokyo.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gazza - 4 Inch Shiny Bastard Bend

Fucking Amazing.

Saturday - 3/10

Had to get into work at 4AM. Weather is warming up!

Trap Bar Deadlifts - Trap Bar Romanian Deadlifts - combine. 20 reps per movement. 3 Sets

Grip Training
2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45Yorks + added weight
6 sets of 3. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. Left thumb still taped. Healing well.

Right Hand - Plate pinch - index finger tap assist - 2x45 Yorks - 3 singles. Last 2 singles with 5/8lb PlateMate Attached. Good deliberate control. A day without toe amputation is progress. ;)

Left - Dynamic Thumb

Light levering

Circuit trained - lats, shoulders, arms. Hammer Machines, smith machine, some dumbbells. Quick pace.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday - 3/9

4F fucking degrees.


Circuit trained - close grips with barbell, all the Hammer Chest units, a smattering of Cybex, leg curls, lower back and abs. 30 minutes. Quick pace.

Lower arms feel "heavy".

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Post Mortem

Brutal at work. Power outage, flaky equipment failure and a pile of phone calls.

Hit dynamic thumb with Ironmind Tug #4 after work.

Lower arms feel pretty good. First time in a week without soreness.

Continuing recovery with a glass of Wild Turkey.

Thursday - 3/8

4F Degrees out. Lower back was cramped. It has been far too cold to hit the reverse hyper in the garage.

Trap Bar Deadlifts -> Trap Bar Romanian DL -> Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (Overhand Grip 213lbs) - 20 reps each movement, no rest between movements. 3 laps.

Grip Training

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45Yorks + weight
5 sets of 3, 1 set of 4. Concentrating on form and speed off floor. Tape on left thumb makes things a bit awkward. It's almost healed.

Right Hand 2x45 deadlift - Index finger tap with left hand - 2 sets of 2. The fact that the plates did not pop out of my hand and cut off a toe, shows great improvement over the past 12 days. Deliberate control. Set down smoothly.

Dynamic thumb with left hand. Not worth it with tape and skin split to piddle with 45's.

2 hand towel rollups. +10lbs - did not count.

More dynamic thumb later.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wednesday - 3/7

3F degrees and snowing

Weightroom was packed. Circuit trained around the crowd for 30 minutes. 20-30 reps on everything. Hit lats, shoulders, arms, abs and some other shit.

Lower arms sore. No grip work today except for Jack's Blue Heat.

We just got the latest steaming fecal e-sample from Beldar at Fictional Hand Strength. Somehow he has managed to work in Britney Spears subject matter in combination with years old Chuck Norrisisms into barely coherent ad-copy.

I also just scratched Reg Park off my list of "old-time" greats. ;)

Bad News Brown - RIP

Judo great and wrestling legend.

"Allen Coage, best known for his WWF stint as Bad News Brown, passed away today at the age of 63. He was rushed to Rockyview Hospital in Calgary this morning for chest pains and died shortly after.

Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of Allen Coage."

From 411Wrestling

Most importantly he was a Bronze Medalist at the 1976 Montreal Olympics in Judo.

Terminator vs. Robocop

I'm a sucker for this shit. ;) - Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We Are Growing Weary

of the recent guerrilla shilling of the Brookfield grippers on ONE of our favorite forums.

We suggest:

1. Ship the fucking grippers to the people who ordered them a LOONG time ago.
2. If you have anything to do with the sales end of the grippers - SHUT THE FUCK UP!
If the product is good the patrons will let the grip world know about it.
2. Stop registering on one of our favorite forums and shilling the grippers immediately afterwards. A certain thread has taken on the bile bubbling tone of a fucking "Kirby Vacuum Cleaner" sales session.
3. We do not want to taunt you a second time.

Tuesday - 3/6

6F degrees out. Lower back went on strike.

Trap Bar Deadlifts(sets of 20) combining with Romanian DL's (sets of 20) - 3 laps. Short rests.

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Overhand Grip - 70% - 213x10, 303-3x10

Grip Training
This is 4 days in a row. Left thumb is packed with New-Skin and taped. Tape has a negative effect on pinching.

2 Hand Deadlift - 2x45Yorks +weight - Concentrate on speed - 5x2,1x3
2 Hand Overcrush - 1 rep just the plates (finisher) - 8-10 seconds. Let go with left, put down with right.

Will increase volume (reps or sets) each workout.

Light levering
2 hand towel rollups - concentrate on using all fingers and thumb.

Rest tomorrow. Arms ache.

Monday, March 05, 2007

March Milo is Here

I just got Ironmind's March Milo - Color Photos!
It should aid my convalescing. ;)

More later.

Monday - 3/5


Got up under the weather. Confined myself to the cellar.

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 1x50

Close Grip Bench w/ Apollon's Axle - 123x40, 233-3x30
Worked in Romanian Deadlifts (sets of 20) in between bench sets.

Grip Training

Fucking sore, left thumb is full of "New Skin" and tape. It still friggin
stings during the lifts.

2 Hand Overcrushes with 2x45Yorks
6 singles. Added weight each set.

1 Hand attempts with 2x45s - plates on 1.5" foam block (deload) 2x3reps. Hold/squeeze at top. Can get them to spin pulling with right.

Moved the PDA Blobette around as a cooldown.

Two hand towel rollups with +10 lbs - forgot to count.

Sore as can be today. Tomorrow will start integrating 2 hand deadlifts (I was just reminded of my negligence ;) ) with added weight on the Yorks. Will use the overcrushes as a one or two set finisher. I'm going to wave doubles for the next few weeks.

Time to boil some eggs.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday - 3/4

Taped up left thumb tear. It fucking stings.

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 2x30

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Overhand Grip - 70% - 213x10, 303-3x8 - Short rests. As stated earlier, I will stay in this range to maintain 2x45 pinch focus.

2 Hand Plate Pinch Overcrushes - 2x45Yorks
4 singles - added weight each set. Squeezed the crap out of them.

1 Hand attempts with plates on 1.5" foam block. 3 sets of doubles. Overcrush again at top. Added 5/8 and 1.25 platemates each set. Slivers of air.

Light levering
2 Hand Towel Rollups - switched towels. Original one tore. Selected an old one from the JC Penney collection. Slippery as all hell. Towels vary. ;)

Good progress this week. This may be the sorest my lower arms have ever been.

Will do Dynamic thumb with Tug #4, later on in the day.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Congratulations On the Blob Lift

John E. just entered Blob Nirvana. Congratulations on the deadlift.

Part 2


Hammer Lat Pull - 3x30
Hammer Row - 3x20
Rope Pulls - 3x20
Hammer Press - 2x20
Hammer Laterals - 2x20
Light arms

Moved fast. Weights were heavy enough to just about hit the reps.
Need to knock off a few pounds, will be high rep, fast pace until
the weather breaks.

Hit dynamic thumb with Ironmind Tug #4.

Laying New-Skin over tear on left thumb.

Time for a cigar.

Saturday - 3/3

Went into work at 430AM to take care of some shit.


Trap Bar Deadlifts - 2x30

2 Hand Pinch/Overcrushes with 2x45 Yorks
Added weight each set. 4 singles. Tore first knuckle of thumb - DEEP - on left hand.
I taped it up, but the fire was out. I'm filling it with New-Skin now - it fucking stings. Excellent improvement this week.

1 Hand attempts with plates on 1.5" foam block. 4 sets of triples. Worked in overcrush here also. Right hand got some air here and there. Plates were doing the marionette dance. There is a tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel. ;)

Levering - 2 sets of sledge on knee. One set lying with ratchet (extension away from body). Moderate/medium resistance - hi-reps. Sorry, no allegories of monster sledge work. ;)

Towel Rollups - fat towel doubled over lengthwise- 2 laps. +20lbs. Hands are useless after these. Also squeezed/held at top.

Will get dynamic thumb after the YMCA.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday - 3/2

It has been raining since last night. Sore all over. I made the mistake, again, of checking on the Weather Channel's pain index. It's 10. :|

Dynamic thumb with #4 Tug. The entire pinch chain is fatigued today.


Circuit Trained most of upper body using Cybex Machines, Hammer Machines and some free weights. A good dose of Kelso shrugs also tossed in.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

They Still Have These?

The latest "steaming deuce" from Fictional Hand Strength just dropped into our e-commode. We have just learned that 8 of the $55.00 blue grippers remain on their shelves. Oh the fucking horror!

Buying this garbage only further convinces some that this sport has a higher share of participants that belong on the flight deck of their local mental health facility than other niche "sports" fanatics. We will never make it to ESPN 8 - The Ocho. ;)

Support the sponsors of your favorite forums.

EDIT - 3/2/2007 - Evidently there are 5 left. Really? Which of the Raincoat Peep Show Grip Crowd bought the three? Hang your heads in fucking shame, douche rockets. ;)

Thursday - 3/1


Trap Bar Deadlifts - 2x30

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Overhand Grip - 70% - 213x10, 303-4x6. Sub minute rests.

Grip Training

Lower arms sore going into this.

2 Hand Pinch Overcrush - 2x45 (Yorks) - 6 singles. At this width I need to focus on the pinky. Added some weight each set, still feeling around.

Placed 45's on 1.5" foam rubber block to get some "deload" in. - 1 hand attempts + squeeze - 3 sets of 3. I had the plates "freely spinning" with right hand on a few of the attempts. I may be seeing a tad of improvement.

2 hand "thick" towel rollup +12.5lbs - 4 reps. If you start doing these, emphasize manipulating the towel with ALL the fingers and thumb. These will hit narrow to wide as the towel rolls up. Superb.

Will do dynamic thumb later on. I am digging the #4 Ironmind Tug for the dynamic thumb work, the range of motion, and handle width/shape seem perfect. I give it a thumbs up.