Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday - 3/15


Combine - Trap Bar Deadlift - Trap Bar Romanian - Overhand Grip Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle (213lbs) - 20 reps per movement. 2 laps. Increase weight second time around.

Grip Training

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45Yorks + Weight - Left Thumb taped.
5 sets of 2, 1 set of 4. Steady progress. Sticking in 80% range. Concentrate on form and speed off floor. These are hard on my wrists, but are building excellent base strength.

Right - 2x45Yorks - Left Index Finger Tap attempts - +3.75lbs Platemates - 4 deadlifts. Good control. Setting down with control.

Left - Dynamic Thumb Ironmind Tug #5

2 Hand 2x45York Overcrush

Cooldown - light high rep levering, reverse wrist curls, towel rollups.