Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday - 3/27


Combine - Trap Bar DL's -> Trap Bar Romanian DL's - > Overhand Grip Shrug w/ Apollon's axle (213lbs) - 20 reps each movement. 2 passes.

Grip Training

2 Hand - 2x45York Plate Pinch + weight - 6 sets of 2 - Concentrate on using ALL fingers, form, and speed. Again, I noticed something here. ;) Just need to be smart.

Right - 2x45York Plate Pinch - Left index finger tap assist + Hold at top - 3 singles w/ 3.75lbs Platemates. Pronounced/controlled hold. Set down with control. The time is coming.

Left - Dynamic Thumb with Ironmind Tug #5

2 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45 York - Overcrush +weight - 1 single - Squeeze until Steve Justa would let go.

Cooldown - light high rep levering. Ironmind Twist Yo' Wrist - 3 laps.

All deadlift/reps are done from a dead stop. I let go each rep. I think this is critical not only to practice your groove, but to build that start off the floor.

Big improvement since the start of routine on 2/25/2007.

A word on the Metric System:

2x15 Kilo Plates = 66.139 POUNDS - 3.861 POUNDS Less than 2x35lb plates
2x20 Kilo Plates = 88.185 POUNDS - 1.815 POUNDS Less than 2x45lb plates

In pinch a pound makes a BIG difference.