Monday, March 05, 2007

Monday - 3/5


Got up under the weather. Confined myself to the cellar.

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 1x50

Close Grip Bench w/ Apollon's Axle - 123x40, 233-3x30
Worked in Romanian Deadlifts (sets of 20) in between bench sets.

Grip Training

Fucking sore, left thumb is full of "New Skin" and tape. It still friggin
stings during the lifts.

2 Hand Overcrushes with 2x45Yorks
6 singles. Added weight each set.

1 Hand attempts with 2x45s - plates on 1.5" foam block (deload) 2x3reps. Hold/squeeze at top. Can get them to spin pulling with right.

Moved the PDA Blobette around as a cooldown.

Two hand towel rollups with +10 lbs - forgot to count.

Sore as can be today. Tomorrow will start integrating 2 hand deadlifts (I was just reminded of my negligence ;) ) with added weight on the Yorks. Will use the overcrushes as a one or two set finisher. I'm going to wave doubles for the next few weeks.

Time to boil some eggs.