Saturday, March 07, 2009

Saturday - 3/7

Supposed to climb into the 60's today. Woo Hoo!

Grip Training
New Model Rolling Thunder - 3x10. As stated before, the handle is not "smooth". It has fine
grooves along it's circumference. It resembles the surface of a vinyl record album. Young gripsters will not know what that is.

Right - Plate Pinching. Split fucking thumb on last set.
Left - Blob50 Pinching
Levering, reverse DB wrist curl, Titan's

We got the new MILO this week. In flipping through it we were greeted with photos of a shirtless, boxer short outfitted J Brookfield dumping a bucket of water on his head. What in the frig is going on with grip people? Other than that some of the other articles were pretty good. We'll pour through it tonight.