Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday - 4/21

7AM - SUNNY and warm.

Had to hit work at 4ishAM to shift some virtual machines around.

Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts, Romanians.

Grip Training

1 Hand Plate Pinch - 2x45Yorks - Miniband deload - 8 sets, 2 reps per set. Added Platemates. Strength wise, I think I clawed my way back to my peak in March.

High rep Titan's Telegraph
IronMind Tugs - #5 last 2 fingers, #6 top 2 fingers. 1 set. 10 reps each.

Does this fucking tiny sport really need another records list? Take a look at the steaming turd that is powerlifting - WPO, WPC, IPA, WPA, USPF, USAPL, APF, IPF, APA etc. Most of these organizations were formed, because someone got pissed off. If any of you can make sense of the current state of powerlifting records, you are truly Stephen Hawking's peer.
