16 degrees
Saturday - 8AM - YMCA
Hammer High Row - 5x10 medium heavy
Hammer Lat Pulls - 5x10 medium heavy
Smith Presses -> Hammer Laterals - 3 laps
Seated Hammer Press - > 4x5 fairly heavy
Sunday - 9AM
26 degrees
Reverse Hypers/45 Degree hypers. Too frigging cold out there.
Grip Training
Managed to tear right thumb web. Fuk.
Right - Plate Pinching
Left - Blob50 pinching
I picked up a set of squat racks yesterday. The cellar ceiling is too low for a power rack.
Set them to the highest setting, tossed the Apollon's Axle on, and did chins in between grip work. Slow - controlled - hold at top.