Friday, December 30, 2005


In scanning the various forums over the years, I've noticed the following negative types:

1. The gripster, who as long as they are progressing:
*who helps everyone,
*posts on every forum, they can find where grip strength is remotely mentioned, to detail their feats.
*when they have a set back, they either go into oblivion, or whine endlessly.
2. The sanctimonious gripster:
* who questions every feat.
* jumps on any strong non-member for being a roid head.
* defends certain gurus to the point of foolishness.
* has a need to inject religion or morality into everything.
3. The armchair power/weight lifter.
* who drones on and on about how Kaz is the strongest man who ever lived.
* modern powerlifters are on steroids (There were no steroids 20 years ago :) )
* modern powerlifters are weak.
* who speculate what gripper a certain powertlifting legend could not close.
* can talk supplement/anti supplement all day.
* droning endlessly about RAW lifting.
* almost all of them look like Mama Cass, or a concentration camp victim.
4. The Ass Wipe
* Must post on every thread.
* Endlessly tries to fit in.
* Demonstrates that they can use Google.

More to come.