Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday - 3/8

Still Raining

8AM - Ymca - Hit lats

Home Grip Training

Right - Plate pinching
Left Blob50 Pinching
Titans Telegraph - Thumb and last 2 fingers

Flame On.

We just got the new Milo here. We cannot help but notice
the editorializing that has been going on in the past few issues.
We were reminded last fall about the "CessPool Internet Forums" (sound
familiar?), then each issue needs to remind us about the lesser
gripper certifications, the self important legends of gripping, gripper seasoning,
dog legs, fooling yourself with deep sets. What the fuck?

All this "deep setting", seasoning, gripper cookin, certifying
took place in 2003-2004, near as we can tell.
Under who's watch were some of these "phonies" getting certified?

We have also had it up to fucking here about being endlessly reminded
that only a select few have access to extremely rare, overweight, nearly impossible
to lift Blobs. Yeah right.

We also propose that we attempt to go one fucking week on the GB without using the phrase
"Credit Card Set". Yes we know it's harder. Who the frig cares anymore?

It's 2008, let's concentrate on getting stronger and leave the sanctimonious
attitude at the cyber door.

Flame off.