Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday - 3/25

5AM - 19 degrees F.

Romanian Deadlifts - 4x20
No presses. Give shoulders a break. Dropping back to twice per week.

Grip Training

Right - plate pinching
Left - Blob50 pinching
Titans Telegraph - last 2 fingers and thumb
Dumbbell Reverse wrist curl

We could not help but notice that for the Nth time our "favorite" grip legend
had to remind us that only a certain few legends were lucky enough to get nearly
impossible to lift York blobs. Evidently the first 4 100 pound York dumbbells were
produced when Bob Hoffman was in the throws of dementia. Unlucky for the rest of
the grip world when John Grimek noticed the horrible mistake, and corrected it. ;)

Look people, if you are dominating a Blob50 replica, or just a run of the mill York, you
should have no problem putting away one of these so called "fat man" blobs.
(DO NOT CONSIDER the "new" YORK LEGACY DUMBBELLS - these are garbage)

It is only a brotherhood as long as it's only the big brother winning. ;)

It looks like the we are now into 4 GB forum pages of credit card set vs. MM set.
It is interesting that nearly all of the inflammatory comments have originated
from those who cannot close a #3 with either set. ;)

And what the fuck are we doing talking about chest crushing, seasoning HG500 grippers for?

Time to boil eggs.