Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday - 1/23

Snowed last night, things a bit slippery with the humidity in the cellar.

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 3x20

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Overhand Grip - 70% day - 213x10, 303-4 sets of 6. Short rests, quick pulls. Still beat up from Sunday.

Levering with Brookfield stick, ratchet, and sledge hammer. Lotta reps, medium weights. All angles.

Grip Training


Left - 7 attempts - good air. Last couple of attempts added a hold. This is turning into my own personal hell. When it takes the full ride, I'm buying a bottle of LAPHROAIG. ;)

Right - 7 full deadlift singles.