Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday - 10/30

This friggin Daylight Savings Time is torture. Fuck the hour.

All joints sore today.
Close Grip Bench - Index on Smooth - 135x40 225x20 295-3x20
For some reason, NO left elbow irritation. But pain is there if I extend it hard or try the RT. :(

Hammer Flat,Incline,Decline - 2 passes - no rest.
Rope Pullover - 4x15

I just read the alert for the $80.00 gripper. This is a sad commentary not only of grip but of the fitness industry in general. "Blow torch fat!", "Melt the lumps!", "Grip of Steel!", "Secret Grip Weapon Training!".

Look people, there are NO short cuts. SHUT YOUR FUCKING WALLETS, read, and learn from your own training.