Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Word On Climbing Ropes

If you are looking for a strong climbing rope, for your garage gym, the golden STRENGTH standard seems to be U.S. Federal Specification TR-605B. The Big Kahuna's at the Cordage Institute set the rules. Be careful of obtuse rating systems.

Some interesting reading at Manila Cordage HERE and HERE.

Look for the Cordage Institute Emblem on their page.

Mcmaster.com carries TR-605B rated manila ropes, search for part number 3825T39 if you prefer 2 inch diameter, once there you should be able to nose around. The stuff is rated for 4,000 pounds, unless you are Rosie O'Donnell, you should not have a problem. ;)

Enjoy the quality and savings, we are having a ball here at grip-central with it.