Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday - 11/26

Lower Back ab warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch bands.

Shrugs w/ Apollon's Axle - Double Overhand Grip - 193x20, 243x15, 338x12, 313x12, 263x12 Quick pace. I have the bar on spotter's stands, it requires about 6 inches of movement to pick it up. I'm too lazy to adjust. "Shrug to ears". No momentum. If you are going to do this, or any other thick bar stuff, start light at the beginning. This puts tremendous stress around the insertions at the elbow. Steady progress. Unfortunately hands are hosed at the end of this.

Grip Training

Pinch work was not in me today. Left hand felt a bit overworked. Launched into a pile of leverage stuff with the big ratchet and Platemates. All directions. In between sets managed to get a couple inches of air right handed with the PDA Blobette (47.5lbs base weight)+6.25lbs of Platemates. Left Handed, I threw on a 5/8lbs Platemate on the Blob50 and got SOLID daylight under it for a couple of pulls. I quit while I was ahead.

If your are a newcomer here, the PDA Blobette is a fucking unrelenting bastard to pick up. You will scrape for every ounce. A 46-47lbs deadlift on the Blobette should get you a Blob50 deadlift. Don't get me wrong the Blob50 is not easy.