Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thursday - 11/09

Lower back ab warmup. Elbow traction with purple Jumpstretch band
Upright Rows w/ Apollons Axle - 123lbs-10x10 A few breaths and a gulp of coffee between each set.

Grip Training
Both hands felt a bit tired going in. Decided to cut it short.

Left Hand - Blob50 - foam deload - 5sets 3 reps, get some air on each rep. Foam is worthless now. It is permanently dented. Then 2 sets 2 reps, on floor, no foam. Managed to get a tad of air each rep. I need a fresh day.

Right Hand - PDA Blobette 46.5lbs base weight - 6 singles. Just concentrated on breaking a few inches from floor. Worked up to +7.5lbs in Platemates. Yowzaa! For me anyway, getting it off the floor is the hardest part. Once it is moving, the rest sort of falls into place. If you are just joining in, hands are not quite 7.5".

Side to side lever twists with big ratchet handle and some Platemates.

Fairly good improvement in base strength over the past 4 weeks. Left hand is slowly improving. I just need to get it dialed in.

Time to take the garbage out.