Sunday, November 26, 2006
My Brookfield Stick
It is a 4 foot x 1.25" dowel from Home Depot. It was about 4 bucks. I have added 2"OD PVC to the handle end and wrapped it up with duct tape and athletic tape. It is about 2.25" OD now. If you click on the photo, you will get a larger size. You can see that I marked off 5inch increments. I hold the stick out in front of me with my arm at my side. Slip an Olympic plate over the other end, then fight for dear life to hold the stick up. When you get tired, simply slide the plate closer to your hand, then begin the fight again. Use the markings to gauge your progress. The thick handle adds a nice twist. This is covered on the excellent John Brookfield DVD. I highly recommend it.