Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday - 11/14

Still cold and raining. Joints and lower back cramped. It reminds me of Arnold Ziffel predicting the weather on Green Acres.

Lower Back and ab warmup. Elbow traction with Jumpstretch band.

Shrugs w/ Apollons Axle - 193x10, 243x10, 283x10, 303x10 - Bar wants to unwind as it is brushing thighs. Elbows, especially left feeling pretty good. Will keep slow pace.
Hands TIRED after this.

Grip Training

Left Hand - Blob50 - 6 doubles - 3 of the sets got a tad of air on each rep and moved the implement it's width across the floor. Finished each double attempt with a long hold. Progress is slow, but there. Part of it now is mental.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47.0 lbs base weight. 8 singles with +1.25lbs of Platemates. Concentrate on form. Quick pulls. Dampness makes this thing all the more difficult to pick up. No sense in pushing hard. Far above Blob50 range now.

Did some levering etc to cool down.

Threatened to "waterboard" my number 4 grippers. They shrunk back in terror. They should be closeable soon. ;)