Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday 11/12

Lower Back/Ab Warmup. I'm digging the Jumpstretch band good mornings.

Shrugs w/Apollons Axle - 123x20,193x10,243x10,263x10,283x10,243-4x10. Strict reps. Double Overhand grip. The bar drags on the thighs and wants to unwind. Quick pace. Hands, especially thumbpad got pumped.

Grip Training - Thumbs remained pumped for rest of workout. Everything was tough.

Left - BLOB50 - 7 doubles - deadlift attempts. Got a tad of daylight each rep. Damn. Finished each set with a hold.

Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs base - 10 singles - worked up to +3.75lbs of Platemates. Most singles 3"-6" then they just popped out. Hands just too fatigued. Apollons work dug into pinch.

Twist levering with big 20"x3/4" Proto Ratchet and Platemates.

I'm going to keep shrugs in. Have to be mindful of elbows though. Will take them slow. Upright rows were getting a bit stale.

In looking at the past 4 weeks, base strength has steadily improved.

I may order a World Class gripper so I too, can announce that I am doing 2 hand, thigh assisted negatives. Seems to be an exclusive group. ;)