Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday - 1/29


Frigging sore.

Romanians w/ Trap bar - 4x10
Standing Presses

Grip Training

Right - Plate Pinch
Left - Blob50 pinch
Titans Telegraph
Reverse homemade formulator extension

We just received word of the latest fitness craze. Keg Lifting,
while wearing a hooded sweathshirt.
Here's a lesson on us, get a 1/2 barrel keg, fill it 2/3's with water (you want
it to slosh around). Pick it up and trot up and down your driveway,
then carry it up and down your rear steps, then attempt to press it.
Do this for 20 minutes. On each bout, vary your grip. Don't wear a frigging hood, it destroys
your peripheral vision, and you WILL fall, then feel like a big moron
when you are explaining all of this in the emergency room.