Friday, November 24, 2006

Friday - 11/24

Got into work at 4AM to get some jobs rolling. Hit the gym at 530.

Close Grip Bench - index on smooth - 135x40, 225x20, 295x24
DB Bench - 3 sets, lotta reps.
Hammer Flat, Decline, Incline - 3 laps, no rest.
Dumbbell Pullovers 3x15
Rope Pullovers - 3x30
Rope Face Pulls - 4x20

Quick pace overall. Joints were creaky with all the cold, damp weather lately.

My head is still pounding over the "Rubber Coated Plate Pinching Controversy" going on at the GB. This clown has wasted more keystrokes rationalizing about the benefits of using rubber plates, than Michael "Kramer" Richards' PR Spin team did on the silly outrage over his tongue slip. I need a bit to calm down. My left arm is starting to go numb. ;)

UPDATE - I just saw his name included on the 2x45 list. Please tell me this is a misunderstanding. :O