Lower Back ab warmup. Jumpstretch bands elbow traction.
Grip Training
Warmed up by moving 1/2 York 80 around mat. Difficult to wake hands up today.
Left - Blob50 - Deadlift attempts - 9 singles - most of them just managed to pop. Finished each attempt with a hold. Then, out of nowhere, last 2 singles, fly off the floor a few inches. :O Could not quite transition to full deadlift. Another fucking milestone.
Right - PDA Blobette - 47lbs base weight - 10 deadlift singles - incrementally added Platemates each set. Last 3 singles (full deadlifts) with +3.125lbs. All were fairly quick pulls. This Blobette is the most evil pinch implement I have.
Finished with front and back levering, and twist levering.
If you are new here, hands do not quite make it to 7.5". Depending on the tape measure. ;)
If you are wondering if grip is harder early in the morning - It fucking is. ;)