Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Deadlifts + Benching + RANT

I just saw some idiot complaining about Benni's deadlift FORM. I will take his form if it gets me to 940!

I am also fed up with the pinheads who claim Ed Coan cannot close a #2, stop the bullshit. His deadlift credentials say he has a good grip. DO NOT THINK
for 1 second if you can close a #3 you are anywhere near him in ANY department of strength, unless you are Brent Mikesell ;)

Also Big GENE had some trouble with 1015. I don't care if he wore a shirt. He has BALLS of steel handling that kind of weight. If you care about equipment and what it is doing to powerlifting, get fuking involved in the sport. Don't pontificate.

Personally I think Mike MacDonald was the best bencher of all time. I'm showing my age. ;)