Thursday, October 27, 2005

Thurs Workout 10/27

Lowerback/Ab rotation.
Upright Rows with Apollon's Axle. Sets of 10-20 reps. Light to medium weight.
Jumpstretch Bands for rotators.
Plate circles.

The rows with the Apollon's warmes the hands up.

5 sets of extensions, on the homemade Formulator. Worked up to 12.5lbs. This was brutal, since the leverage is so great. Good full range of motion. The heavy partials with the EZ curl bar definately built a base here.

EZ Curl Wrist curls: 67x50 87x50 107x50

Towel Rollups - 4 bouts with weight.

Trainer - 50 reps each hand.

Tonight I will run through a light feeder workout.

Over Kill - Horrorscope
Excellent Thrash from the New Jersey oldtimers.