Monday, October 31, 2005

Another Grip Article

I just found this old bookmark:

Dragondoor Grip

Note the homemade wood TTK.


I just spent 30 minutes pruning a bunch of crap bushes behind my garage. That is sufficient for tonights grip "feeder" workout. ;) Hands are toast.

WPO SEMI's Heavyweight Results

I just saw these results posted at Gibsons'. Incredible! 1200 pound squat!


Good to see Chuck V place well.


Who gives a flying frig if someone builds a knock off of a device? Brookfield's books are full of do it yourself advice.

If the commercial implement is high quality and a fair price I am in. But some of the items out there are a little nutty with the pricing. And come on, 60 bucks for a blue handled gripper?

Monday Workout - 10/31

530AM - YMCA
Still nursing shoulder.
Plate Circles
Close Grip Benches - concentrating on tucking elbows - 135x30 185x30 225 3x30
Hammer Machines supersetted with Hammer Rows. No rest, moderate weight, 15-25 reps on everything.
Abs, and cable stuff.

Lower arms sore today. I need to prune some shrubs tonight, that may be the feeder workout.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another Excellent Homemade Formulator

Check out the Fight Training Site. He just posted photos of his device.


Great stuff!

Driveway Sealer

Did whole drive with one hand on the squeegey thing. I just alternated back and forth. I need to get a 2 inch handle on it. Then I will patent it so no one can copy it. ;)

Jack's Blue Heat time.


I need to put some sealer on a section of my driveway. I just push broomed
100 feet by 11 feet. Big mistake after the workout. Hands are useless now.

Sunday Workout - 10/30

Hands were sore and fatigued from yesterday.

Lowerback/Ab rotation
Shoulder rehab with Jumpstretch Bands.

Trainer x 20
#1 x 1 OverCrush
#2 x 1 OC
1/4" Filed #3 - Left OC and hold, got it deep but no touch
Right bit beyend the range + hold.

York 1/2 80
3 DLs each hand
Blob50 Index finger press
Left - x1 , x1+1.25lbs , x1+1.875lbs ,x1/2 + 2.5lbs
Right - x1 , x1+2.5lbs , x1/2 + 3.125lbs x 1/2 + 3.125

All full lifts had 3 second hold at top. I didn't relize how much crush I did yesterday until I did these.

Homemade Formulator extensions - 10LBs x 25 (to get soreness out)
Towel Rollups - 2 bouts. Big improvement in weight from last week.

Twist yo Wrist 2 laps
Fatbar rotations (Brookfield Grip tip) - 4 sets - These hit the lowerarms hard, especially at the end of the woorkout.

Aborted - The Archaic Abattoir


I see that posting photos of "knock-offs" is being discouraged on one of the forums. I guess the homemade formulators got someone in a tizzy.

Fug it, make them anyway. Wrist curls are NOT PATENTABLE.

Judo Grip Blurb

I can't get any simpler than this:

Judo Info Grip

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Strongman Link

Check Joshua Davis' page out. Great videos and a nice DIY link. He also appears to be a Linux user ;)



I am sore. I am toying with the idea of only hitting grippers on the weekend. The rest of the workouts will be wide pinch, towel rolls and wrist work. The homemade formulator will be a cornerstone for now.

The past week off may have convinced me.

Don't throw money away, tinker a bit and make your own wrist training device. Use the money you save to buy a fat bar etc. Or pay your bills off. ;)


I just read a certain "hucksters" web site. He claims that selling the White Sox a few grippers was their ticket to the World Series. I have read enough fecal dribble for the week now.

Saturday Workout #2

Shoulder(s) ReHab
Rope Face Pulls - 5 sets 20
Giranda 45 degree pulls
Rope pullovers

Light presses, lateral superset

Reverse Curls with EZ curl bar
Rope Triceps

Saturday Workout - 10/29

Lower Back Ab rotation.
#1x1 OverCrush
#2x1 OC
Left Hand - 1/4" filed #3 - 10,10,10,10,10 Beyond the range cant quite touch. I do not want to get in the habit of setting very deep. Reps were about 1 inch give or take a tad.
Right Hand - SuperMaster - Speed OverCrushes 10 singles.

Homemade Formulator Extensions - 5 sets going from 5lbs to 17.5 down to 12.5. Quick pace reps went from 20 to 5.

Towel Rollups - 2 Bouts

Hands toasted.

Highest Number #3 rep volume ever.

Grip Article at EliteFTS

Dave Tate's Excellent EliteFTS just threw up a grip training article:


Vinny Dizenzo 585 Raw Bench Training Video

Here is a cool video of powerlifter Vinny Dizenzo benching 585 with a t-shirt.


Cool stuff.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Home Made Formulator Bug Is Biting

I see some more people are firing together their own formulators! We are legion. I predict the IronMind list will be growing soon.

Just remember, put the money you save on your mortgage. I'm estimating about $160.00 should do it.


All this extension work and towel rolling have hit my lower arms hard. It is tough to believe that this week has been a deload week. The EZ Curl reverse wrist curls definitely helped give me a base strength with the formulator.

I am convinced that you need to work the forearms hard. The gain in stabilization, especially with crushing, will become apparent after a few weeks.

We Are Wasting Too Much Time

As if we needed a study for this:

Blogs on the job: US workers waste millions of hours online

Get your bills paid and the grass cut before you fuk around on the web. ;)

Friday Workout 10/28

Plate rotations for shoulders.
Close Grip Benches - Elbows tucked - 135x100 185x30 225x20 225x20
Light Hammer Flat and decline benches - 2 sets of 20 each, supersetted with Hammer row - sets of 20.
Giranda 45degree pulls.
Shoulder still tricky, stay at this level for awhile. No sense getting stupid.

Forearms and hands are "puffy", today will be an off day.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Baraban Video

R. Baraban has a cool video on his web page. He is showing off the gold plated GGC 2005 gripper.

Thick Bar Rotation

I have worked these in on and off over the past year. Great to do with the Apollon's or any fat bar.

Brookfield Thick Bar Rotation

Thomas Inch - Fraud?

There is considerable debate about Thomas Inch's film clip here:

British Pathe

Type in Tom Inch in the search box. Look for the clip called "Inch-By-Inch".
It is obviously not 100% legit. But he is clearly in the waning years of his strength performing career, and he is making a living off of his courses. Failure would not be an option in this clip. He had credentials when younger, and was indeed strong, I have no doubt.

Read more about him here:


What he did give us, was that friggin dumbbell that every grip nut dreams of picking up, and that's a good thing.

Thursday Feeder Workout

I ran thorugh some shoulder rehab with the Jumpstretch bands and plate circles. Then 1 high rep set on the formulator extenstions. 2 bouts on light towel rollups, and 3 laps of the Twist-yo-Wrist. It got some of the soreness out. Bad thumb is still stiff, but the towell work seems to be making it work it out.


My forearms and hands have been sore since this morning. I added a bit of weight to the towel rollups and sort of pushed the formulator. It is hitting me hard now.

If you are not doing these exercises - you should be.

Thurs Workout 10/27

Lowerback/Ab rotation.
Upright Rows with Apollon's Axle. Sets of 10-20 reps. Light to medium weight.
Jumpstretch Bands for rotators.
Plate circles.

The rows with the Apollon's warmes the hands up.

5 sets of extensions, on the homemade Formulator. Worked up to 12.5lbs. This was brutal, since the leverage is so great. Good full range of motion. The heavy partials with the EZ curl bar definately built a base here.

EZ Curl Wrist curls: 67x50 87x50 107x50

Towel Rollups - 4 bouts with weight.

Trainer - 50 reps each hand.

Tonight I will run through a light feeder workout.

Over Kill - Horrorscope
Excellent Thrash from the New Jersey oldtimers.

My Home Training Partner

She does not help much. She mostly just sits by the fan.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Chain Drug Stores

What is it with the long lines in these friggin drugstores? The CVS is packed and there is one cashier, and she can't do anything because there is always someone in there who needs the fukin touch screen explained on the self serve digital photo machine. Then everyone in front of me needs to write a check for a 3 dollar purchase. That is a half hour of my life I will never get back. ;)

Wed Night Feeder Workout

Shoulder re-hab - Plate rotations, JumpStretch Bands. This crap is making my shoulders sore, in a good way.

Homemade Formulator - 1 High rep set.
Towel Rollups - 2 bouts. This is helping the still sore right thumb.

I'm firing up a cigar and taking the dog out.

WED Workout - 10/26

YMCA 530AM. Started with a pile of rotator cuff stuff with the cables. Then light latpulls, cable rows, lateral raises light bi's and tri's. Shoulder is feeling more stable, but I'm staying the course for another week or 2.
All sets 20+reps.

Forearms along with hands, muscularly sore from the formulator and towel rolls. I will hit another few rounds after work.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tuesday PM Workout

I did some Junpstretch band stuff for the bum shoulder. Then did 1 high rep set of reverse extensions on the homemade formulator. This helped get some of the soreness out from this morning. Then a few bouts of towel rollups. Dexterity improved a bit more, but hands pumped up fast.

The house stinks of Jack's Blue Heat now.

Tuesday Workout - 10/25

530AM. Started with lower back ab rotation then shoulder re-hab. I worked in some upright rows with the Apollons Axle for sets of 20, plate circles and some stuff with the Jumpstretch bands. Moderate resistance a lot of reps.

Then Grip:

Trainer 2x20

Homemade Formulator extensions - 5 sets, 20 reps down to 10. Weights from 5lbs to 11.25. The weight is far from my wrist so any increase is magnified greatly.

Towel Rollups - 4 bouts. Dexterity greatly improved from Sunday. Whole hand gets pumped.

Twist Yo' Wrist - 3 laps

EZ Curl Wrist Curl - 67x100

Totally hosed.

Behemoth - Thelema.6
Brutal Blackened Death Metal from Poland

Monday, October 24, 2005

Towel Rollups and Thumbs

I've done 2 bouts with the formulator extensions and towel rollups today. My thumbpad and webbing have been pumped and achy all day. It hits the muscles hard, but does not seem to wipe out the tendons the way the grippers do.

I grabbed the Trainer gripper, immediately after a bout, and had a tough time closing it. :O

Monday Workout - 10/24

Hit YMCA at 530 AM. Left Shoulder is flagging a message. The message is do not be a dumbass. I did plate rotations for 5 minutes then light close grip benches to see how it felt. I hit 135 for 5 sets of 50. It was light but I'm staying here for a while. I then hit the cables for face pulls and standing pullovers. I used a rope handle for both to get the extra range. Did about 6 or 7 sets each 20+ reps. This got a lot of blood into the shoulders. Then more plate rotations.

At home I did a set on the homemade formulator of reverse wrist curls, then 2 sets of towel rollups. I will do more after work. This is an excellent time for a rehab/deload week since my shoulder is borked.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

More Rollups

I could not resist. I ran through another couple of bouts with the homemade formulator and the rollups. I think the stumbling block with the rollups is coordination/dexterity when first starting. Even though my hands are tired, they seem a bit easier and smoother than this afternoon.

Rollups and Extensors

I ran through some supersets with the homemade formulator and towel rollups. I am this || close to doing these all week to give everything a break.

Left shoulder is sore from the mishap this morning, I've been doing some plate circles it seems to be workling itself out. I'm going to go light on all upper body stuff this week. I want to get in position to cruse into my 24th month of this grip crap (Thanksgiving give or take a few days.)

Time for a big glass of fortissimo.

Home Made Formulator

I made a trip to Home Depot and grabbed what I needed. Everyone should build one. I fired off a few quick sets with it. I could not pick up a glass of water afterwards.

I thank Anson from the GB for posting a photo of his.

Now get to work people!

More Towel Rollups

I just did a few more bouts with these cursed things. Right after I tried to close a #2 and could not get it to within 1/4". Holy crap. It feels like the WHOLE hand is working at the same time. Extensors also.

I may just do these for the whole week. I'm still up in the air.

Sunday Workout - 10/23

LowerBack/Ab rotation, then seated presses. Had a freak accident and dumped the bar behind me. Shoulders are wrenched. But no burning or numbness.

Tried some wide pinch etc, but after dumping the bar I was too stressed. So I piddled around with the construction of my homemade Formulator.

I then started towel rollups. I'm using a hand towel. For weight I am using 2 Platemate magnets on the opposite corner of my hand. Did a few laps back and forth with 1.25lbs, then moved to 2.5. 2.5 is HARD. Hands get extremely pumped from this. I'm going to try this every few hours. It may just be the change I need.

Now time for Naproxen. :(

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Towel Rollups - Thumb Re-Hab

I'm going to work these in to get the blood into my borked thumb. I think a good sized Vice Grip may be the easiest way to get some resistance without cutting a hole in the towel and piddling with hooks and plates.

Whenever you are looking for something new, reread the John Brookfield books or peruse his stuff on the IronMind site.

Karl Gotch - Matt Furey

I just dug out this bookmark, Legendary wrestler Karl Gotch, calls out Matt Furey as a con man. I'm siding with Karl on this one. ;)

Read his letter HERE on Scientific Wrestling's Page.

Saturday Workout #2

Had some time to kill. Went up the YMCA. Did heavy Hammer Rows, heavy Hammer pulldowns and then moderate cable stuff.

Hands felt pretty good on the rowing/pull stuff.

Saturday Workout - 10/22

Went to work 5AM-7AM.
Started about 745AM with lowerback/ab rotation
Right Thumb still borked. Bit improvement on movement.
#2x1 OC
RIGHT - SuperMaster - 11 Fast Singles with overcrushes. Thumb not as irritated today.
LEFT - 1/4 Inch Filed #3 6 Sets of 7 - No touch but BTR, most reps let out 1+ inches.

Go REALLY Grip Machine - 2x6underslide - slide weight not included
Right 145x1 192.5x4+1 neg hold - hard, had to hump a bit.
Left 145x1 172.5x4+1neg hold - hard but solid.

TTK Pinch Grip - 30x30

Workout took 29 minutes

Old Man's Child - Vermin
Galder of Dimmu Borgir's side project.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Wake Up Call

I had the furnace guy come to the house (He did great work). He picked up my half of York 80 (42pounds) and nearly closed my SuperMaster! His hands and wrists looked the part. I need to get out and help clean furnaces!

Well it was the wake up call that I needed to take it to the next level.

Baseline Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer

If you like to throw money at grip toys, I have read some pretty good reviews of this DYNO at Wisdom King.

This One is Truly A Classic

This has elevated gripdom to a whole new level.

Another TMS Classic

A copy of this hangs in my cellar.

The Golden Age

I was cleaning up my drive, and found some stuff from the legendary TMS threads at Fortified Iron. This guy truly had a gift. Good luck wherever you are. Sometimes "gripsters" take themselves too seriously.

I will dig around more, and post as I found them. His "Modern Grip - A Critique" should be required reading.

A pile of Powerlifting Links

Check this page out of you want a neat list of PL LINKS.

Friday Workout 10/21

YMCA - 530AM.

Close Grip Benches, light DB benches, Hammer chest work and some light cable stuff.

Forearms and thumbpads sore from yesterday. I think wearing the fingers out crushing, before pinching makes the thumb work much harder. You struggle, and cannot pinch as much, but it's worth it. Set your ego aside.

No radio today, we were too lazy to plug it in. ;)

Interesting Thought

I recently ready a post by ClayEdgin. Something like - when my overall body strength is up, my grip goes up with it.

This is excellent advice. Even though my lower back is messed up, I still hit what I can hard, and the grip is moving right along with it.

I am convinced your whole arm and shoulder needs to be strong to stabilize. Especially during crush.

Just a thought.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


If you are a grip strength nerd, skip your workout. The Quake IV linux client is out now. Go to LinuxGames for download info. If you use the torrent be sure to give some bandwidth back.

Remember, this is just the client. You still need to pick the game up for the pak files.

More Crap

I have noticed that many of the "flames" on the grip forums are usually two "religous" people going at it. Or a "holier than thou" lecturing an infidel. Take the mythical being discussions elsewhere and settle the fuk down.


Thursday Workout 10/20

Started at about 5AM with lowerback/ab rotation. Then moved to seated presses. Then grip. I felt a little "flat" going into this.
Right Thumb is still stiff and sore, but sting is gone. This may take a few more weeks. :O

Note Filed #3 has 1/4" filed
Right - #2 14 speed singles + overcrushes.
Left - Filed #3 (not touch but well into BTR) 6 sets of 6
Hands are toasted. It took some concentration to get through this.
1/2 York 80
1 Deadlift each hand
Blob50 index finger press.
4 singles each hand, hold at top 3-5 seconds.
The crush makes wide pinch extremely hard, but I think it's paying off.

EX curl Reverse wrist curls + EZ curl wrist curls. No rest between
sets. Used 67lbs. 10 reps for reverse/20 reps for regular. 5 cycles.

Workout took 29 minutes.

Reverend Bizzare - Crush the Insects
This is great old style heavy DOOM.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


This cat has been at it awhile. Check out the cool stuff. For the price of one Formulator you can fill your garage with some great stuff.


Now get yourself to Home Depot and the junkyard!

Mendy and MonsterMuscle

I just saw that Scott M and the publishers of MonsterMuscle are airing a dispute on all the PL forums. Apparently Scott was supposed to give an interview and disclose his raw bench routine. Then he bailed on them. I guess they left his cover up, but NO routine. Who knows what the truth is. I sort of lean towards the magazine.

Mike MacDonald is still the best. ;)

Go over to the Monster Muscle forums to see Scott's ALL CAPS POST.


It saddens me, when I see one of the old-timers, continually remind every one that his "old blob" was the hardest to pick up and your fat hex or newer blob is not what he had to do.

Come'on, we know you are one of the best. No need to be reminded. And it is okay if someone comes along who is better. That is what records are for.

Oh well.

A couple of cool honest PL forums.

These two forums, tell it like it is, and have raised trolling to an art form.

Fannon's Grow or Die


I get a chuckle, when some self-important "youngun" lectures about old time strength, hard work, respect etc. Then at the same time they moderate a board with a "Chemical Enhancement" forum.

Or the skinny kid, lecturing about 940lb deadlift form.

Take a break and when your nuts drop, resume posting. ;)

WED Workout - 10/19

Went to the YMCA for 530AM. I ran through chinups, heavy lat pulldowns on the Hammer machine, light shoulder work, reverse EZ curls and some rope tricep stuff. I was a little beatup from Monday and yesterday.

Thumb is still stiff, but no sting as compared to last week.

Musicwise, it is only the "Oldies" up there. ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I noticed in the stats here that over 50% of you are using FIREFOX. Excellent! Let's hope the rest smarten up. ;)


I just checked, UPS will be delivering the Batman DVD within the hour!

Thank you BOB KANE!

Setting vs NoSetting

Again, WHO GIVES A SHIT. If you want to get certed with Ironmind, you need to practice the "credit card set", if you want the GB cert, you need to practice the parallel set. Either one requires balls out strength depending on the gripper and cert etc. Work hard and stop fuking whining about this once a month on either board. Post something useful.

The Ironmind list is still growing, all the recent certs ARE not by people with 9 inch hands.

I think all this Naproxen is making me cantankerous. ;)

Deadlifts + Benching + RANT

I just saw some idiot complaining about Benni's deadlift FORM. I will take his form if it gets me to 940!

I am also fed up with the pinheads who claim Ed Coan cannot close a #2, stop the bullshit. His deadlift credentials say he has a good grip. DO NOT THINK
for 1 second if you can close a #3 you are anywhere near him in ANY department of strength, unless you are Brent Mikesell ;)

Also Big GENE had some trouble with 1015. I don't care if he wore a shirt. He has BALLS of steel handling that kind of weight. If you care about equipment and what it is doing to powerlifting, get fuking involved in the sport. Don't pontificate.

Personally I think Mike MacDonald was the best bencher of all time. I'm showing my age. ;)

Tuesday Workout - 10/18

Right thumb slowly getting better, but still stiff and limited range. Although the range is better.

Started with lower back/ab rotation, then seated presses.
I do all press work at home with the 2" bar. My hands started to
get tired in the pressing.

Then grip.
Right - #2 - 12 singles - Speed closes, plus over crush. Cannot go higher as thumb gets irritated.
Left - Filed #3 - 5x5 - Each rep let out to about 1"-1.25"
At this point the double workout over the weekend made itself known.

TTK - 25x30 25x30

Half York 80
2 full DL's each. Crush totally wipe me out.
Blob50 Index press.
L x1/4 x1/4 x1/4 - Hopeless
R x1 x1 x1 - 3+second holds at top.

Hate Eternal - I, Monarch

Brutal Shit!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Fug This - Gripper Ramblings

What the hell is with these overpriced colored grippers? Do you get a better workout from having red, blue or brass handles?

Holy shit!?

Great Death Black Doom Metal etc Review Site

If you are looking to get some opinions on heavy music before you buy it, the review team at the Metal Observer is excellent.


TPS Grip Contest

If you are in the New England area, this looks like a good contest to compete in or just spectate. It is too far of a drive for me, and being an old lazy bastard, I'll wait for the videos. ;)


Monday Workout - 10/17

Hit the YMCA at 530AM. Ran through close grips, chest stuff on the Hammer machines and heavy rows on one of the Hammer rowing machines, some cables and abs.

Thumb is still limited and swollen, but the pain is finally subsiding. I'm going to stay on the naproxen regimen until Friday.

Massive Deadlift Training Video

Benni Magnusson does some mind boggling pulls in training. The last one is rumored to be 426KG!

See it HERE

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Before you go off and spend a fortune on an overpriced Formulator.
Study this page. And put the $175.00 on your mortgage principle. ;)


Be sure to look around at his other pages. He has some cool easy to build stuff.

Sunday Workout - 10/16

Right Thumb is still sore and swollen. I cannot extend fully. The whole thing is bizarre. I'm taking a naproxen every 6 hours and moving/stretching it.

Did usual lowerback/ab rotation. Then grip.

#2 - 1 Speed Close each. Right Thumb yelped a warning :(
TTK - 2 Sets of 20, 20LBS
Left - Filed #3 4 Singles - Overcrush/Hold. No touch but DEEP.
Right - #2 - 4 singles - Speed closes, bit of hold. Thumb made itself known.
I moved fast through these. Left hand was FATIGUED from yesterday. But solid overall.

1/2 York 80
2 Full DLS each. Right thumb bit stressed.
Blob50 Index finger push
Left - x1FULL +5/8PlatematexFULL xFull xFull
Right - xFull xFull xFull x1/2
All full reps held at top for 3+seconds
Toasted after crush, even though I went moderate on right.

EZ Reverse Wrist Curl
67x42 - Good ROM
EZ Wrist Curl
All Solid

I'm working on a "secret thumb" exercise, when I work the kinks out I will
detail it. It should be good for active recovery.

Metal Church - Metal Church

An old CLASSIC. The cover of Deep Purple's "Highway Star" is GREAT.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Great Sig Line

"I want to die quietly in my sleep like my grandfather did. Not screaming and yelling like his passengers."

Old Gripboard Gallery - Cyberpump

Here is a link to the old gripboard gallery. There are photos as well as videos.



Over the years I've learned to BACK OFF if injured. I wish I took this advice 20 years ago. I would have a lot less PAIN and NO lower back surgery.

Be smart. Work around it, back off, take your time etc.

Don't get stuck on stupid.

Saturday Workout - 10/15

Got up at 430 and went to work and returned about 7ish.

Then did lower back ab stuff in garage, seated presses in cellar,
then grip:

1X5+5 holds

Right thumb is still swollen, and now it's starting to get irritated.

Filed #3x18+1forced Left - Reps let out to parallel. No touch on the file, but each rep beyond the range.
Filed #3x5+1 forced Right - Had to force myself through this. Thumb is sore/burning.

Stopped here. No sense in being an idiot. Excellent reps though.
I could not resist. ;)

EZ Reverse Wrist Curls
67x20 - Good ROM
122x6 - Had to hump a bit
117x12 - Solid
67x31 - Good ROM

EZ Curl wrist curls

Thumb got sore again. Called it a day. I'll take a naproxen every 4 hours, and keep stretching it etc.

Workout took about 19 minutes.

Destruction - Metal Discharge

Great classic thrash!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday Workout - 10/14

Right thumb is still stiff. Cannot extend, but the severe stinging is gone. And no numbness.

I hit the YMCA about 530AM. I ran through close grips, some light DB bench presses, heavy rows on one of the hammer machines and abs. Forearms felt fine on the rows, I guess I needed the shortened workout yesterday. ;)

I was afraid that I would not be able to hold onto the bar for the close grips or rows, but my thumb was pretty neutral.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Recovery Secret

I poured a glass of vodka. Half way through it my thumb seems to be feeling a bit better. Tomorrow I will pick up a bottle of Tito's and continue this experiment.


Mike Knight put together two great tribute videos to Doug Young.

Doug 1
Doug 2

Great stuff.

More Bench Shirt Madness

I see that the Bench Sirt debate is raging on two threads at one of the more famous gripping forums. What a waste of friggin bandwidth.

There should be a rule, you can only comment on bench shirts, if you can bench 405 raw. Other than that, shut your piehole. ;)

Thursday Workout 10/13

Ran through lowerback rotation. Then presses.
Then grip:

Filed #3x1x1 - Left - OC/Hold
Filed #3x1x1 - Right - OC/Hold

Not touch on the handles but left was within a penny. That's pretty deep. Right was a penny or 2 beyond. I had a hard time getting it in my right hand.

York 1/2 80
2 full deadlifts.

For some reason hands were tiring fast.

BLOB50 - Index finger press.
Leftx1/2x1/2x1/2 :( Hand was wiped out.
Right - +1.25PlateMateX1 +2.5PlatemateX1 - Good holds at top also, slow set down.
Then on third set, the whaky happens. It slips from my hand about 3 inches from floor as I am setting it down and I jam my thumb into the BLOB. Had to stop to ice it. I popped 4 Naproxen and went to work. Still icing it. I cannot straighten thumb due to the swelling.

Oh well.

I'm using a bag of frozen black-eyed peas to do the icing.

The three is a breeze, even though I was a bit beatup today. The previous rep work definately helped. Strap holds next.


This is great heavy stoner metal from New Jersey. It seemed to fit after jamming my thumb.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Steel Bending

Here is a link to Tom Black's site. He is not as active with it, but there is some interesting info as well as some good photos.


Be sure to check the articles page.

Another Link

Here is a link to the UK Grip Site. It has not been updated in a while, but has many photos, and some good articles. Note the legendary David Horne competition photos.

UK Grip

WED Workout - 10/12

I got tied up with something so I skipped the lowerback stuff to get to the YMCA.
I was feeling beat up. I hit a few sets of chinups (3x20) then just circuited around for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Some Great Judo Clips

Here is a great site with links to some cool Judo videos. The clip where the Great Kimura destroys Helio Gracie is FANTASTIC.

Judo Videos

A Strength Legend Passes

I just saw that Doug Young passed this weekend. He was one of the greats. His chapter in Terry Todd's classic "Inside Powerlifting" is well worth picking up a used copy for.

Here is a link to some of his lifting:

Doug Young

Tuesday Workout - 10/11

Started with usual reversehyper/45degree/abs.
Then seated press.

Filed #3 (1/4"filed)

Deep, but can't touch. If I had it to do over again, I would not have filed more than 1/8" off. I'm going to go easy a few more workouts, then start strapholds with a non-filed #3

Go-Really Grip 1 Hand - 2x6 underslide (weight does not include slide)
170x4 Right
190x4 Left
Had to hump a bit. This hits it deep. Did hold on last rep

TTK - 2x6 under arm, partials
20x20 47.5x10 - Toasted

Block Work
York 1/2 80 - 3 Full DLS each

Blob50 - Index press assist
R+1.25lb PlateMatex1
L+5/8 Platematex1
Could do no more.

Thursday, will be the filed work, skip TTK and GoReally, block work and wrists.

Grip Workout took 29minutes

The new album by the DOOM masters!


This cat is putting a lot of work into this site:


Many pictures and explanations.

Monday, October 10, 2005

USA Grip Organization

Things are getting organized for formal grip competition:

US Handstrength

Be sure to check out the great forums at Power and Bulk also. Their RANT forum is one of the best on the net.


Time for peanuts.

Some more links

Brad Johnson is a master of the rafter pullup, here is one of his articles at Dragondoor (be sure to search for more if his stuff there):


Brad also has a monthly column at Ironmind.

GorillaHands is on old master with a brutal crush:


Mike Brown has an interesting site, plus a cool grip machine:

Mike Brown

Have fun!

More Crap

I just read this on a grip vendor's site:

"For instance, there are model 4s out there that cannot be closed by anyone and other model 4s that are only as strong as a stout model 3. Likewise for 2s and 3s, etc."

If you have a #4 that is like a stout #3, it has been TAMPERED with.

This guy has been upset since his quest to make the perfect gripper failed miserably. Somehow Ironmind is to blame.

Monday Workout - 10/10

Hit the YMCA about 530AM. Ran through close grip benches, hideous Hammer bench machines, and pullovers. Worked in Hammer seated rows in between the rest of the stuff. Forearms were sore on the rows. I may have pushed too much yesterday with the wide pinch. My house is consumed with the odor of Jack's Blue Heat.

I noticed a post on a board where a "yungun" was lecturing about the power of the mind. This schtick worked for the great "Mighty Atom", for the rest of us there is one rule - SQUEEZE FRIGGIN HARD.

Time to fry eggs.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Incredible Pinch Display

Here is Wade Gillingham's page at Jackal's Gym. The videos are incredible:


He may be the greatest "Pincher" on the planet.

Some More Grip Training Links

Here are some more grip training links:

Body Results
Steve Gardner
Rugged Mag

The last link has an interesting thumb exercise using a cable setup. This may adapt well to substituting the cable/weight stack with a Jumpstretch band.

Bench Shirts

WHO GIVES A RAT'S ASS. If you have the overwhelming desire to rant about your stance on bench shirts, take it to GoHeavy. Keep the gripping forums free of these brain dead discussions.


Sunday Workout - 10/9

Usual lowerback rotation of reversehypers, 45degree and abs.
Hit some seated presses, then onto grip:

TTK 20lbsx20

A few deadlifts with the half York 80 (It weighs 42lbs in case I forgot to mention. It is ancient)
Then Some BLOB50 with index finger press/assist
Left Hand - with 5/8lb PlateMate magnet - 3 full singles
Right Hand - with 1.25lb PlateMate - 3 full singles

Reverse EZ Wrist Curls
67x15 full reps/solid ROM
117x10 - could not quite get hand to break parallel with floor. These partials hit it hard.

EZ Curl Wrist Curls
117x30 - Solid FULL ROM
217x12 - Dip below parallel, finish a bit above.
137x80 - Good ROM.

Forearms were a bit sore from yesterday. I think the heavy lat work contributed.

Workout took about 26 minutes.

Cryptopsy - Once Was Not

Another Peeve

I just saw a thread where a Certified CoC, made a vague training statement. He was asked to clarify, and his response was to "call him". I thought the forum was for the exchange of training ideas. I have seen this happen over the past two years. Then a e-book or a DVD-R is released. You will not get a dime from me. I'll save my money for something useful, like my heat bill. Thank you. ;)

What a load of shit. If you are going to get coy with your answers, stay off the forum.

More on this later.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday Workout Part 2 - 10/8

I felt guilty, so I hit the YMCA. I did heavy pulldowns on the Hammer Lat pulldown, cable facepulls, and light shoulderwork. I putzed around with some light reverse curls and DB hammers.

Hands felt tired through the workout. Especially the thumbs.

Time for some White Castle.

Saturday Workout 10/8

Did usual reversehyper/45degre and abs to start.

Then Grip
NOTE: W=5/8lb washer
Filed #3 is filed 1/4"+
OverCrushes are 6 seconds (Soviet recommended ;) )

Filed #3 x1OC Each Hand. Close to touching in left, BTR by a penny or 2 in Right
Filed #3 x1OC Each hand

Go-Really Grip - One Hand - 2x6 under slide - Weight Does not include slide
145x1 Each Hand
170x3 Right Hand
190x3 Left Hand
Did a hold at end also

TTK - 2x6 under arm, partial movement
20x20 45+3WX12 - Thumbs and HAND burning after this.

1/2York 80 - 2 Full DeadLifts Each Hand
BLOB50 Index finger press
L Hand - 1/2DL, 1/2DL, Full DL
Right Hand - Full DL, added 1.25LB PlateMatexFull DL, 1.25Magnet +5/8Magnetx4" pull.

The crush completely wipes hand out for block work. But it seems this order is making crush as well as overall hand strength go up.

It is a good break from the reps. The OC on the #3 is a breeze. Once the bug bites
I will move onto strap holds with a non-filed #3.

Workout took 27 minutes.

Belphegor Goatreich-Fleshcult

If you like your Death Metal "Blackened" this is for you!

Friday, October 07, 2005

What the FRIG - A new Certification?!?

I just saw some crazy bastard (I won't mention his screenname) post on multiple boards. He is hawking a CHEST CRUSH certification using a CoC gripper and his "Rube Goldberg" handgripper helper device. Evidently you chest crush the gripper then hold it shut on camera. I guess you need to do what you need to do, to feed your ego. ;)

Think I'm kidding, read his web page HERE.

Tomorrow I will video tape me closing a #4 by stepping on it. I'm putting Ironmind on notice.

Crappy Weather

It looks like rain for the next few days. I was toying with the idea of doing farmers down the driveway with the blocks for a change of pace.

If you are looking for a clean, top shelf vodka at a good price check out:


Nothing beats a cigar and vodka on a crappy rainy day.

Friday Workout 10/7

I hit the YMCA about 530AMish. I did close grips, DB benches, a few sets on the dreadful Hammer chest machines, and the Hammer chest rower. Forearms made their soreness known on the rows. I finished with some light plate wrist curls. Regular and reverse.

I'm going to pop a few frozen White Castle cheeseburgers in the microwave and down a quart of skim milk. I'm out of eggs. :(

Thursday, October 06, 2005

End of Summer

It looks like the warm nights are over starting tomorrow. I sat in the garage with AM Talk radio, a hefty glass of vodka and a fat Perdomo cigar. Tomorrow night looks like I'll be wearing sweats out there. I am convinced there is anabolic properties to good vodka. ;)


QUAKE IV has gone GOLD. It hits stores October 18th. It looks like I may have a reason to upgrade my video card. The Linux client is expected to be released shortly after the game hits the stores.

Check out LinuxGames if you are interested in gaming on Linux. (Microsoft products are not allowed in my home)


Working the keyboard and mouse while fragging is great active recovery.

Thursday Night 10/6

I just saw that PUDZ won the WSM. The guy is an animal. Good to see CoC, Jesse Marunde, placing way up there. I hope it is on TV soon.

I'm already seeing some sanctimonious crap being posted about "Vitamin S". Who gives a crap. These guys are strong and dedicated PROFESSIONALS. Shut your gobs, and worry about your own training. ;)

Congratulations to all the competitors.

Thurs Workout 10/6

Hit reverse hyper, 45 degree hyper etc. Then about half a dozen sets of seated presses.
Then GRIP work:
Note: I forgot to mention, all the grip workouts so far have been about 30 minutes.
Note: W = 5/8lb washer
Decided to "deload" on grippers. Overcrushes were held for 6 seconds. I read in
one of those Russian books, that the Soviets determined that 6 seconds was the sweet
spot for isometrics.

Filed #3 sets were about 3 pennies "beyond the range", each hand.
Filed #3x1 OC
Filed #3X1 OC
Felt solid.

Go-Really Grip One hand.
145x1 each hand
170+1Wx1 Right
190+2Wx1 Left
170+2Wx1 Right
190+3Wx1 Left

Had to "hump" a bit.

TTK - 20x20 45+2Wx12

Half York 80 - 2 full Dead lifts each
Blob 50 - Index finger press 5 or 6 singles each. Short rests
The crush work really makes the block stuff difficult. :(

Ez Curl reverse wrist curls
67x12 - solid ROM
97x21 - sloppy, but great burn
EZ CURL wrist curl
97x30 - Solid ROM
147x50 - Solid ROM

Workout took 29 minutes.


HIGH ON FIRE - Blessed Black Wings


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Some Peeves

Stop claiming your #3 is a beast, and asking to buy an "easy" one. Get a friggin SuperMaster.

Stop asking if Joe Kinney really closed the #4. He did. As did others.

Stop getting all scientific with your training. Get rest and eat right. And kill it.

The #3 is supposed to be HARD, don't worry.

The BLOB is HARD to pick up, form a plan and work at it.

STOP complaining about hand size. Deal with it.

Stop chasing every grip toy out there. Put the money on your mortgage principle. (You will thank me for this advice.) A few grippers, block weights, curl bar, and some plates should put you well on the road.

Wed Workout 10/5

I hit the YMCA about 530AM. I was wiped. I cruised through some of the horrendous
Hammer Strength press and lat machines, closegrip chinups and finished with some reverse
curls with the olympic bar.

We will see how tomorrow goes.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Great Book

I have read "Science and Practice of Strength Training" multiple times since I got it over the summer. Vladimir Zatsiorsky is the author that Louie Simmons (of Westside Barbell) quotes in his PLUSA articles.

Check it out.

Science and Practice of Strength Training

Tuesday Workout 10/4

I started with the usual lowerback/ab rotation, then hit some seated presses. It warmed me pretty well. I worked in some Trainer and #1 closes in between presses. I had one of those "thisfeelsharderthanitshouldbe" moments.

I picked up the filed #3, and could not muster the energy in either hand to close it.
So I just piddled with the blocks for 20 minutes. My forearms were still sore from the weekend.

Obituary - Frozen in Time

It is good to see these legends back in form.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday Workout 10/3

I hit the YMCA about 530AM. I cruised through close grips, declines, those worthless Hammer
chest machines, then did both Hammer chest support row machines. I went pretty heavy on the rows. Forearms were a bit sore on the rows. More horse liniment tonight. ;)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Grip Training Article on Wikipedia

The wikipedia is a great free resource.

Here is a link to a grip training overview:

Wikipedia Grip Training

There is all kinds of stuff there, it is my first stop if I'm looking for something.

Saturday and Sunday Workouts 10/1 , 10/2

Saturday - I was rushed, I had to go to work at 430am, then I was going to the Penn State Game. (It was a good game)

Lower Back and ab to start.

#2x1 overcrush

Filed #3 (Can only get it about a penny or 2 beyond the range)
Reps are at leat let out to parallel or a tad more.
Right Hand x5 + 1 forced and hold/negative
Left Hand x17+ 1 forced hold and negative

My rep strength is zooming, but that does not necessarily mean my max crush is going up.
When the bug bites, I'm going to deload and start ramping up on strap holds.

GoReally Grip Machine - One Hand - 2x6 under slide
170x3+1forced right hand
185+5/8x3+1 forced left hand
175x1 right hand
190x1 left hand

Weights DO NOT include slide.
In between the GoReally sets, I worked in my TTK partials, 20x20 20x20 45x10

Super Master - 1 overcrush each hand.

Block Work
1/2 York 80 - 3 full deadlifts each hand.
Use Index finger press with free hand. My hands are wiped at this point. I'm
using the blocks more as an assist for my crush.
BLOB50 - many 1-2" pulls with Left
5 or 6 full deadlifts with right, and multiple 1" pulls with 5 pounds of plate mates magnets

Hands were pretty wiped after this.

Sunday 10/2
Lower arms sore.
Lower Back and ab to start, then some presses with the fat bar.
Worked in 5-10 rep sets with Trainer and #1 between presses, also some light
TTK stuff.

Did a few full deadlifts with 1/2 York 80 (as a side note this dumbbell is ancient, it has the more rounded sides and is SMOOTH).
Nothing balls to the wall, just to warmup.

Reverse Wrist Curls with EZ Curl bar.
67x20 - Good range of motion.
117x8 - Dip below parallel, could not quite get to past parallel. This may seem like cheating,
but I find that as long as I do not overdo it it seems to be working.

Wrist Curls Ez Curl bar
117x30 (Full ROM)
217x11 (dip below parallel, end above parallel - semi partial)
117x50 Full ROM

My wrists are hosed from Judo, so my ROM is a bit limited, and I need to be careful,
as my right wrist is a time bomb. :(

Music on both days was:

Bongzilla - Amerijuanican

This is great heavy sludge.