Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday Workout - 11/5 - Grip

#1x 1 OverCrush
#2 x 1 OC

Left - 1/4 inch filed #3 - 5 sets 12 reps - all reps let out to parallel or a tad more. - 60 reps total - best ever. Can't touch, but getting all reps beyond the range. I will never file this much off again.
Right - Speed Closes + overcrush - SuperMaster 11 singles. If I use a #3, thumb knuckle still gets irritated. This may be a long recovery.
Towel Roll - 2 bouts. Weight is going up.
Homemade Formulator extensions - 10 lbs 3x10
Fingers On top TTK - 3x10

Pentagram - Be Forewarned
The Godfathers of DOOM!