Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tuesday Workout - 11/15

LowerBack/Ab Rotation
Same blob workout as Sunday 11/13. Everything was a bit more "solid".
Started Holle-It-Up
The dumbbell weighed in at 8lbs.
Concentrated on just getting it a few inches off floor with no tilt.
88x3 - each hand
98x3 hoovers left - 98x3 fails right
93x3 Left 93x3 Right
95.5x3 Left 95.5 Right (hoovers)
93x3 Left 93x3 Right
88x3 Left 88x3 Right.

The handle is huge and slick. This thing is MEAN. The key is to squeeze hard and flex the wrist.

Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal