Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday - 6/16

530 AM - YMCA
Close Grip Bench - Index on smooth - 135x20 185x20 225x20 275x23 225x30
Hammer Incline,Decline,Flat - 2 circuits - no rest
Rope Pullovers - 3x20
Cable Abs
Fuked around.

Lower arms, and pulling muscles SORE from yesterday.

Hands fried from yesterday, but needed to get some circulation going.
Had a hell of a time with 1/2 York 80 until warmed up.
Set to PDA Blobette at 42.5 lbs. Left hand worked up to 1.25lb of platemates for air time.
Right Hand worked up to 5lbs of platemates for a few inches.

Hands TIRED today.
Once I get into "wide" shape, I'll work the BLOB50 back in. Need to get base back.

NOTE: As stated previously - this PDA Blobette is HARDER than the Blob50. It is a bit taller and wider.