Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday Workout 6/11

Lower Back Ab circuit. Also worked in some pilates type abs in between sets.
Upright Row w/ Apollon's Axle - worked up to 243x5 over 5 sets.
Seated DB Hammer Curls w/ 2.5" grip - worked up to hard triple with 85lbs. These friggin things are intense. (hands under 7.5").

1/2 York 80 - 5 sets of triples. Tough at first. The thickbar stuff hit it deep.
1/2 York 80 - last 3 fingers. Left - Good air w/5lbs of platemates, Right good air with 10lbs of platemates.
1/2 York 50 - thumb and index finger. Full deadlifts, holds.
Hands started to get stronger as sets progressed. Extremely fatigued at start.

Worked in light ax levering in between sets.

Three Song sampler from new Slayer Album!