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Trap Bar Deadlifts - 3x20+
Levering - Different angles - worked in sledge with big ratchet. I have been focusing on doing Saturday's levering seated and lying down. Seated, I rest forearm on thigh, and let the implement go forward and pull it back. Wade Gillingham covers this stuff on his DVD.
Lying; you just start with the your arm straight in the air, with the implement resting on your chest, and using your wrist get it parallel with the floor. I have seen some solid improvement over the past couple of months. Remember to start slow and controlled. A second of stupidity will result in months of rehab.
Grip Training
Left - 7 sets of 2 attempts. Good air. GOT IN ONE FULL DEADLIFT. It is about fucking time. I'm buying a bottle of single malt scotch today. Woo Hoo!
Right - 7 sets of 2 full deadlifts.
The air has just been a little sweeter this week, since the bending throne has been greeted with a new set of buttocks. ;)