Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday - 2/24


The fucking heat is finally working!

Alternated between Hammer Lat Pulls and Hammer Rows for 4 sets. Medium weights.
Hammer Laterals - Smith Press - 3 combines
Hammer Shoulder Press - 1 set to failure
Dumbbell Pullovers - 2x20
Light Arms


Grip Training

Levering - seated - forearm on thigh 4 sets
Lying - Extending wrist 4 sets

I keep the reps from 12 to 20 on these. I am not aiming to bend steel.


Left - 5 sets of 2 attempts - great air but no cigar
Right - 5 sets of 2 full deadlifts

Grabbed the 2 York 45's. It is time to commence training.
Picked them up and passed them back and forth for 5 sets of 3 to 4.
This is fucking murder on the thumb webbing. But what must be done must be done.

I got these Yorks in the early 80's. They have the rough swirl pattern on the smooth side.

The New-Skin is drying now. ;)