Monday, September 25, 2006

Ironmind Shiny #2

I screwed around between sets over the weekend with the shiny #2, RB210, Supermaster and two dark spring #2s. The shiny unit is definitely the most varying of what I own. The RB210 and Supermaster are nearly identical. The dark spring #2s match fairly close. All are not too bad of a squeeze for the first inch or so. The shiny #2 is stiff through it's full range. I would not say it's as tuff as the SM or 210 at the close, but is stiffer through its ROM. The SM, 210 and other #2's are 2.75" spread.

I've been grabbing the shiny unit and closing it cold throughout the day for the past week. No chalk. The "layoff" has helped the bad wrist, and the cold closes seem to be fine-tuning the effort.

I'm going to stop at the fitness joint and get a shiny #2 and #3 and work on more comparisons once the wrist tightens up.

NONE of these grippers have been foot stomped or humiliated in any way. ;)