Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wed. 9/6

Chins - 40,50,20 Short rests.
Rope Pulls - 3x20
Face Pulls - 3x20
Hammer Lat - 3x20
Smith Press,Hammer Lateral,Hammer Press - 3 circuits. No rest
Light arms

Random Thoughts

I am reading the regular cycle of Joe Kinney bashing. Surprisingly it is on Grippermania. I ask myself, what did this guy have to gain by faking a close? Thumbtack in the glove for can bursting, torching a gripper, etc?

He lived in a house with no indoor plumbing, and these pinheads think he and his neighbors should have tricked out video cameras? In 1998? We have clowns on the boards now, that get a pass for not having a camera, when they claim to nearly no-set a #4 (Some of these same people have a camera to take pictures of their father-in-law's pickup truck.hmmm.)

What did he have to gain? A blurb in Milo?! Look, I love Milo. It's the only strength magazine I subscribe to. I am waiting like a lion in a cage for the latest issue now. BUT, to the outside world, it is one step above "Obscure Sports Quarterly".

Let it go people. There was an old thread on the GB where H.Sexton spent some time with Mr. Kinney. He left convinced he was the real deal. If Heath was convinced, well who am I to argue.

Time to get the non-heat-conducting aluminum frying pan going to make some raw eggs. ;)