Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our Stomping Seasoning Boy Is At It Again

Seen on the GB:

"I have seen people state that spring heats up after many reps/foot stomps....I disagree with this. I have tried this on several grippers.....I did over 200-300 reps in succession on #3, BBGM, BBE, etc(all retained their specs afterward)....all were still cold when I touched the spring...i think this is a myth.....only thing that will heat up a spring is a deliberate use of a blowtorch or another such device..."

And This classic:

"My #3 lost about 0.5"(from BBSE level of 3.25" to 2.75" easier than BBE).....all other grippers lost about 1/16-1/8" in spread....basically equivalent to normal seasoning"

Check out the big brain on Mr. Metallurgy! Let's make this easy without opening a textbook. Get a fucking coat hanger, bend it back and forth rapidly, what happens? It fucking deforms then breaks. The friction of the molecules heats up the metal, etc etc etc. Steel is steel, whether it is a spring, a paperclip or a lowly coat-hanger. If it sits for a few seconds it will cool. By the time you bend your fat ass over to pick it up, it is already cooling. Benders know this as well.

We, at Grip-Central are confounded by this concern over "seasoning". If you are going for a REAL certification, you must close a gripper fresh out of the package. Might as well get used to it Gomer.

Seasoning = Soup
Seasoning <> Grippers
