Friday, September 29, 2006

Link Refesh

We see Google is directing a lot of people here looking for "do it yourself links". We re-post in order to keep us on top of the search heap:

The Grip Page has great stuff, especially for making superior leverage wrist devices, and other grip training equipment GRIP PAGE

Learn How to build your own thick / fat barbells and dumbbells HERE Links to parts included

Fightraining has more awesome ideas. Not only for training grip, but other all body stuff as well.

Let us not forget the YORK HAND BALANCING Course - For some reason this gets quite a bit of activity.

And the rest of the great stuff at the SANDOWPLUS SITE. The Online Physical Culture Museum and Library. These cats have scanned in hundreds of pages of works written by Eugene Sandow, Arthur Saxon, Martin 'Farmer' Burns, Hermann Goerner and many others. Be sure your printer works and you have plenty of time to read.

These Classic Public Domain works, make up for a huge amount of out clicks here.