Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday 9/12

Lower back ab circuit
Ax lever arm at side - front/rear x20
12lb sledge to front x6, +2.5lbs platematesx6, +3.75lbs platematesx6, x8,x8
Ax to rear - +2.5lbs - 4 sets 6, alternate, no rest.
+3.75lbs - 3 sets 3 -, alternate no rest.

LEFT - Trainer x20, Shiny #2x14, Shiny #2x10, Shiny #2x6. Died fast. Out of all my grippers this #2 varies the most. It feels almost like the SuperMaster. Oh well.

Blobette Holds - 6 singles, 10 second rest intervals

Blobette 44++lbs base + 1.25lbs platemates - 8 sets of 2 full deadlifts.

Still a bit shagged today.