Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday - 12/12

Reverse Hyper/Ab Warmup
Combine - Romanian Deadlifts with Overhand Apollon's Axle Shrugs (193lbs) - 5 sets - 10 reps. About 1 minute between cycles.

Grip Training

Worked in leverage work in between block weight work. Ratchet, ax and Brookfield stick

Left Blob50 +1.875lbs Platemates - 8 single deadlift attempts. First 6 just skidded around. Last 2 attempts got inches of air and managed 8 inch lateral moves.

Right - PDA Blobette - 48.5lbs base weight - 8 singles - full deadlifts - concentrated on speed off floor. Smooth lifts. Deload day.