Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tuesday - 12/19

Reverse Hyper, Ab warmup
Romanian Deadlifts with trap bar - 4x10 combined with
Shrugs w/ Apollons Axle - 193-5x10

Grip training

Levering with ratchet.

Left Hand - Blob50 - 8 sets of doubles - deadlift attempts. Got solid gulps of air.
Right - Blob50 - 8 full deadlift singles.

Rained yesterday, everything had that "slickness"

Ironmind Claw Curl - Ring and Pinky 2x20

I just noticed the Limited Edition Collectible Halloween, for the truly serious, only 40 available, $80.00 "Skull" grippers are still on sale at the Fictional Hand site - since Halloween. Maybe sanity is starting to take hold, and people are using their cash to buy things of real value? ;)