Saturday, June 02, 2007

Saturday - 6/2


Reverse Hyper, Trap Bar Deadlifts

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 3 bouts with: +11.25lbs, +12.5lbs, +15lbs
Good progress. Tore 1/8" chunk out of right thumb. The sting of applying the New-Skin went right to my big toes.

Curls with Triceps bar - 3 sets of 5. Have not weighed bar yet. I'm fucking lazy. It's about 20lbs. Last set with +165lbs (not including bar). These are tougher than handling dumbbells for alternate hammer curls. Loose form. Loose form, means I give it a bit of a bump with my hips. Do not hyperextend your back backwards.

Things seem to be moving again. The past month was a tough slog.