Thursday, May 31, 2007

Interview with Iraqi Rebel

Classic stuff.

Thursday - 5/31

5AM - Tough to get motivated.

Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, Romanian Deadlifts w/ trap bar.

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 4 bouts with: +10lbs, +11.25lbs, +12.5lbs, +13.75lbs
Good movement and control, but fucking sore today.

Curls with Triceps bar - 3 sets of 4. Loose form. These hit the tie-ins hard.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday - 5/30


YMCA - Lats, bi's, tris. 15-20 reps each set. Hammer machines and cables.

Arms are sore.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A New Captain of Crush

Our Man in Finland kicks gripper ass!


Congratulations Teemu.

Tuesday - 5/29

4PM - Was going to skip today. Might as well make it 4 workouts in a row.

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 5 bouts with: +7.5lbs, +10lbs, +12.5lbs, +15lbs, +16.25lbs
Totally fucking shot. But a pretty good workout nonetheless. No grip work tomorrow.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Why You Should Never Use a False Grip When Bench Pressing

What is it with all these moronic spotters out there also?

Monday - 5/28

Memorial Day - Think of the troops.

8AM - Reverse Hypers - 45 Degree Hypers. Did more than usual here. Had to get the stiffness out.

YMCA Closed - So - Close Grips w/ Apollon's Axle. Sets of 20, pair of 45's each end and some change. 6 or 7 sets. Elbows sore.

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 3 bouts with: +6.25lbs, +7.5lbs, +11.25lbs - Thumb Callouses were giving the warning. Stopped a tad short each set. No sense in blowing it. These are fucking murder.

Curls with triceps bar. 4,4,4,4

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Indian Superman-Govinda

Truly a life altering video. Excuse me while I kneel.

Sunday - 5/27


Reverse Hyper, 45 degree hyper, Romanian Deadlifts

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 4 bouts with: +5lbs, +7.5lbs, +11.25lbs, +20lbs

Curls with triceps bar. 15,15,12,10,8

Reverse Curls w/ Apollon's Axle

Not a bad day.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday - 5/26 - More

YMCA - Bounced around from machine to machine or cables. Hit lats and arms.

Saturday - 5/26


Reverse Hyper, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 4 bouts with: +2.5lbs, +7.5lbs, +10lbs, +20lbs
Feel the burn!

Curls with triceps bar. 3x20. I have no idea how much the bar weighs. I am digging these.

Reverse Curls w/ Apollon's axle - 1 setx20

Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday - 5/25


YMCA - Close Grips, Hammer Bench machines, preacher curls, Kelso Overhead Cable Shrugs, abs and lower back. Still not much structure.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday - 5/24


Reverse Hyper, 45 degree hyper, Romanian Deadlifts w/ trap bar.

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 6 bouts with: +1.25lbs, +6.25lbs, +7.5lbs, +10lbs, +27.5lbs, +27.5 - Last 2 sets concentrated on just getting a few hours of rotation.
Fucking brutal.

Hammer Curls with Triceps Bar - 5 sets 15 reps.

Time for Jack's Blue Heat and eggs.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday - 5/23


YMCA - Hammer Lat Pulls, Hammer High Rows, Cable work, smith presses, Hammer Seated Press, Hammer Preacher Curls, other odds and ends. Nothing formal.

Lower arms sore. Need to clean my gutters, that will serve as recovery activity.

We see the Fictional Hand Camarilla is now pushing the Ivanko Super Gripper. (We are treated to a photo of the self-appointed guru closing it at an easy setting, truly the fictional way. ;) ) If you are going to buy, we recommend PDA. It's less expensive and they are a sponsor of the GripBoard. Save your Visa card from a painful reaming. ;)


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday - 5/22


Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts.

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 9 bouts with: +1.25lbs, +6.25lbs, +7.5lbs, +8.75lbs, +10lbs, +11.25lbs, +12.5lbs, +13.75lbs, +15lbs. Tough going today. No gas. So pushed through and added a few more sets than usual.

Cooldown with reverse curls w/ Apollon's Axle

Listened to the Promo of Orange Goblin's upcoming CD. Heavy baby! My pre-order is in.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Self Loathing

What the frig is it with that Darden Site? If you pull out the inane stream of consciousness drivel of the "Retired NFL Strength Coach", you are left with thread after thread that ends up in the ball sack buffing of Casey Viator. People that was over 30 years ago, and he had his most success as a Weider boy. Get over it.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles Trailer

This could be a good lead up to the Terminator movie.

Monday - 5/21

530AM - Crisp

YMCA - Close grips, Hammer Machines, cables, odds and ends. High reps.

Thumb and pinky pads sore.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chad Woodall - 3 x 15K Pinch

By way of the NapalmJedd Blog:

Jesus H Christ.

Sunday - 5/20


Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, Romanians w/ Trap Bar

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 6 bouts with: +0lbs, +25lbs, +25lbs, +26.25lbs, +20lbs, +0lbs. Every inch was hell.

Reverse Curls w. Apollon's Axle

Rambo Is Back - Rambo 4 Trailer

I still had hair when the first movie premiered.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Phonebook Ripping Re-Visited

In reviewing our analytics, we noticed that many are searching for a good phonebook ripping video. Clay's is excellent. Don't fall for the nonsense that you have to "pay" to see how a "grandmaster" does it. A fucking ripped 2" book is a fucking ripped 2" book.

Saturday - 5/19


Trap Bar Deadlifts - 4x10

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 5 bouts with: +0lbs, +23.75lbs, +23.75lbs, +23.75lbs, +23.75lbs

Cooldown w Apollon's Axle reverse curls.

Arms hosed from shoulder to finger tips.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Arthur B. Jones Benching 600 at 253 Bodyweight


Friday - 5/18

530AM - Got obsessed with something last night. Few hours sleep. The heavy drinking at the cigar dinner has not helped this week either. ;) But so far this week I have not been beaten by three old ladies at anything. ;)

YMCA - Closegrips with bar, Cybex machines, Hammer machines. Odds and ends.

Grip Training

2x45 Plate Pinch Rotations - 5 bouts with: +5lbs, +22.5lbs, +22.5lbs, +22.5lbs, +22.5lbs

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday - 5/16

530AM - Comatose

YMCA - Lats, Arms, piddled around - Hammer Machines, cables, dumbbells. Quick pace, medium weights.

Cigar dinner tonight, need to conserve energy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Dung Filled Exercise Bags

must not be selling. We just received a solicitation from the Frictional Hand Clubhouse to sign up for some shabby $15.00 per month email bundling service. Bob thinks the referral fees are to fill up the station wagon for the long trip to the Old Time Barbell dinner. ;) I think it's for captivating pay-per-view 3rd rate Portuguese Basketball games.

We'll pass. ;)

Tuesday - 5/15

530AM - Tough to get started.

Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers. Trap Bar Deadlifts - 3x10

Grip Training

2x45York Plate rotations - One bout each with: +0lbs, +21.25lbs, +15lbs, +10lbs, +5lbs

Cooldown w/ Apollon's Axle reverse curls.

Had to carry coffee mug up cellar steps with 2 hands.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday - 5/14

530AM - Cool and sunny

YMCA - Close grips, deplorable Hammer Strength Machines, Cables etc. Quick pace, high reps. Joints aching today.

Lower arms SORE.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mike Bridges

One of the best powerlifters of all time. Personally I put him ahead of Ed Coan.

From Powerlifting Watch:

Powerlifting Legend Mike Bridges Totals 1,796 At 50

Sunday - 5/13

9AM - Sunny

Reverse Hyper, 45 degree hyper, Romanian Deadlifts w/ trap bar (3x10)

Grip Training

2x45York Plate Rotations - 4 bouts with no extra weight. This is like steering the S.S. Minnow.

Added +20lbs of Platemates - 1 tough bout, then strip to +10.

Cooldown w/ Apollon's Axle reverse curls.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Why The Rest of the Strength

World Looks Upon Grip with Disdain. ;)

Saturday - 5/12

Got about 4 hours sleep. Obsessed with Tomcat and content management.


Reverse Hypers -> 45 degree hypers. Deadlifts w /Trap bar - 3x10

Grip Training

2x45York Plate rotations - 5 bouts - +0lbs, +10lbs, +15lbs, +15lbs, +15lbs. Fukin intense.

YMCA - Circuit - lats, shoulders, arms, abs. Hit some stuff fairly hard, other stuff high reps. Arms were still hosed from grip.

How many emails do we have to be subjected to from the Fictional Hand people asking for our street mailing address? We are convinced they have hired a Nigerian 419 scammer as a marketing director. ;)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday - 5/11


YMCA - Close grips, Hammer and Cybex machines, and cables. Quick pace. Nothing formal.

Lower arms SORE from yesterday.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday - 5/10


Reverse Hyper, 45 degree hyper, Romanian Deadllifts w/ trap bar (3x10)

Grip Training

2x45York Plate Rotations - One bout each of: +0lbs, +5lbs, +8.75lbs, +13.75lbs
Arms were FUBAR.

Cooldown - Reverse curls w/ Apollon's Axle

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New Perma LInk

We have Perma-Linked BEYOND STRONG to the right. The new site by all around strongman and gripster , Nick McKinless. His DVD mastering skills are showcased in the IRON GRIP DVD. Check it out.

Wednesday - 5/9


YMCA - Lats, Shoulders and arms. Circuited around Dumbbells and Hammer Machines. I'm getting old, time to start transitioning to executive workouts. ;)

We wonder how the Fictional Hand guy places in the toilet in a 5K race, when we have been subjected to an endless email volley over the past year, of "incredible" bodyweight workout reports, "phenomenal" middle of the night runs and endless bleacher trotting. If I let 3 females over 55 beat me, I'd be performing "Sepaku" now. ;)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tuesday - 5/8


Reverse Hyper, 45 degree hypers, Trap Bar deadlifts - 3x20

Grip Training

2x45York Plate Rotations - One bout each of: +0lbs, +5lbs, +7.5lbs, +10lbs, +12.5lbs
Full rot achieved. Tough to control coffee mug.

Cooldown - Reverse curls w/ Apollon's Axe - 3 sets.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Monday - 5/7

530AM - Sunny

YMCA - Close grips, garbage known as Hammer Strength, Cybex, and cables. Concentrated on torso. Circuited around, random stuff.

Lower arms still sore.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunday - 5/6


Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts and Romanians.

Grip Training

Same as yesterday, added a bit more Platemate weight. Hands were worthless after 6 bouts.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Shoulda Used A Monolift

Saturday - 5/5

Went into work at 4AM to shift some VMS around.


Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts and Romanians.

Grip Training

2x45York Plate Rotations - +0lbs - 2 bouts, +6.25lbs - 1 bout, +7.5lbs - 1 bout, +8.75 - 1 bout.

Cooldown - Bar rotations with Apollon's Axle.

Hands were murdered after this.

YMCA - Lats, shoulders, arms - Quick pace.

545 Raw Bench Press

Robert Wilkerson

Pretty smooth.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Friday - 5/4

530AM - Sunny

YMCA - Close grips, Shitty Hammer machines, cables, overhead Keslo Shrugs. Odds and Ends. Quick pace. High Reps.

Lower arms sore today.

We just received word from the FictionalHS people that Postal Rates are going up! Download the Original, father of all Hand Balancing Courses HERE for free - save on postage and overpriced sourcing.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

I Just Re-Watched

the Iron Grip DVD. I need to get a tire. Order the friggin thing now.

The Superman Movie That Should Have Been

As opposed to the festering turd that Bryan Singer delivered.

Thursday - 5/3

Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts and Romanians to get warmed up.

Grip Training

2x45York Plate Rotations - +2.5lbs - 3 bouts, +5lbs - 3 bouts, no additional weight, 2 bouts. These are fuking murder. But hit the whole arm along with the hands. I pick the plates up, stand Sumo style, and bend at the waist, then pass hand to hand, turning the plates clockwise (like turning a steering wheel). Be sure that the full weight of the plates moves from hand to hand. Do deliberate, controlled movements.

Cooldown - Bar rotations with Apollon's Axle.

Hopefully this will be the final cycle that puts me over.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wednesday - 5/2

530AM - Raining again.

YMCA - Lats, shoulders, arms - Shitty Hammer Machines and free weights. High reps.

Lower arms beat to shit. 2x45 plate rotations has them hosed. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Now Friggin

Steve Jeck's book is being shilled by Fictional Hand Strength? We can only guess that the filled, Bulgarian, leather, colostomy exercise bags are a bust, and Ironmind is blowing out slow moving stock.

Tuesday - 5/1

5AM - For once , no rain.

Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hyper, Trap Bar Deadlifts, Romanians. Lower back shaky today.

Grip Training

Screwed around with the miniband deload, but was sickened by the sigh of it. Time to change, I've mined all I could out of this movement.

I noticed a demo of the 2 hand plate rotation on one of the DieselCrew videos. Chalked up heavy, grabbed the 45's, and did 5 bouts. Hands immediately responded. And no blood!

I wanted to get this done for April, but I need a bit more oomph. Nothing is worth doing unless you have to break your balls.