Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thursday - 5/3

Reverse Hypers, 45 degree hypers, trap bar deadlifts and Romanians to get warmed up.

Grip Training

2x45York Plate Rotations - +2.5lbs - 3 bouts, +5lbs - 3 bouts, no additional weight, 2 bouts. These are fuking murder. But hit the whole arm along with the hands. I pick the plates up, stand Sumo style, and bend at the waist, then pass hand to hand, turning the plates clockwise (like turning a steering wheel). Be sure that the full weight of the plates moves from hand to hand. Do deliberate, controlled movements.

Cooldown - Bar rotations with Apollon's Axle.

Hopefully this will be the final cycle that puts me over.