Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday - 8/25 - Musings - Paul Anderson 6270 pound Backlift


Went into work around 5ish. Network looks pretty good. I'm guesstimating 1/3 have moved in.

While monitoring things I tabbed over to discover an entry on the Fictional OldThyme Strongman Blog. I was horrified to see that Paul Anderson's 6,270 pound backlift was a "well documented" feat. Yeeeaahh riiight, about as well documented as what U.S. border agents are given to them while rounding up illegals in the Mojave Desert.

If you want to read what really happened on that fateful day register over at IRONHISTORY.COM. The research is impeccable and exhaustive. Don't be dooped by the "Carnies" out there.